Order of Friars Minor (Bibliography)

Order of Friars Minor (Bibliography)
Order of Friars Minor (Bibliography)
    Order of Friars Minor (Bibliography)
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Order of Friars Minor (Bibliography)
    (1) GENERAL HISTORY OF THE ORDER (SOURCES, ETC.). Note.-As elsewhere throughout this article, only relative completeness is here aimed at; all special monographs concerning a particular point, question, person, etc., are omitted, and none but general works, and, of these only a selection, are cited. Chronica Fr. Jordani de Yano in Analecta Franciscana (An. Fr.), I (Quaracchi, 1885), 1-19, written in 1262, new complete ed. by BOHMER (Paris, 1908) in Collection d Etudes by SARATIER; Dialogus de Vitis Sanctorum Fratrum Minorum (c. 1245), ed. LEMMENS (Rome, 1902); T. ECCLESTON (c. 1264), De Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam, ed. BREWER, Monumenta Franciscana, I (R.S., London, 1858); supplement in Monum Franc., II (R.S., London, 1882); complete id. in An. Fr. I. 217-57; abridgment in Mon. Germ. Hist., Script. (M.G. SS.), XVIII, 560-9; BERNARD OF BESSE, Liber de Laudibus S. Francisci (c. 1280), ed. in An. Fr., III (Quaracchi, 1807), 666-92; ed. FELDER (Rome, 1897); Catalgus Generalium Ministorum O. F.M. (begun in1305), ed. in An. Fr., III, 693-708; ed. HOLDER-EGGER in M.G. SS., XXXII, 653-74; EHRLE in eitschrift fur katholische Theologie, VIII (Innsbruck, 1886), 322 sqq.;p ADAM OF PARMA, ed. SALIMBENE, Chronica, written 1282-88 (Parma, 1857), ed. HOLDER-EGGER in M. G. SS., XXXII (1905-09); ANGELO CLARENO, Chronica septem Tribulationum ordinis Minorum (c. 1314-23), portion ed. by DOLLINGER, Beitrage zur Sektengesch., II (Munich, 1890); EHRLE in Archiv fur Literatur-und Kirchengesch des M. A. (A.L.K.G.,), I-III (Berlin, 1885-87); TOCCO (Rome, 1908); Catalogus Sanctorum Fratrum Minorum (c.1335), ed. LEMMENS (Rome, 1903);Provinciale ordinis S. Francisci Antiguissimum (c. 1343), ed. EUBEL (Quaracchi, 1892); Chronica XXIv Generalium Ministrorum (c. 1375), ed. in An. Fr., III, 1 sqq; BARTHOLOMEW OF PISA, De Conformitate Vitae B. Francisci ad Vitam Domini jesu (c.1385), (Milan, 1510, 1513; Bologna, 1590, 1610), also in An Fr., IV and V (Quaracchi, 1906, 1910); BERNARDINE OF FOSSA, Chronica Fratrum Minorum Observantiae (c. 1480), ed. LEMMENS (Rome, 1902); MARIANUS OF FLORENCE, compendium Chronicarum O.F.M. (c. 1515), ed. in Archivum Franciscanum Historicum (A.F.H.), I-III (Quaracchi, 1908-10); Speculum Vitae S. Francisci et Sorciourm eius (Paris, s.d.; Venice, 1504; metz, 1509; Antwerp, 1620; Cologen, 1623; Raab, 1732); Monumenta Ordinis Minorum (Salamanca, 1506, 1510, 1511; Barcelona, 1523; Firmamentum Trium Ordinum S. Francisci (Paris, 1512; Venice, 1513); GLASSBERGER (c. 1508), Chronica ordinis Min. (Obs.) in An. Fr., II (Quaracchi, 1887), 1 sqq.; JOHN OF KOMEROVO ( 1536), Tractatus Chronicae O.F.M. ed. ZEISSBERG in Archiv fur Oesterreichische Gesch., XLIX (Vienna 1872), 314-25; IDEM, Memoriale O.F.M. (am amplification of the last mentioned work) in Monumenta Poloniae Historica, V. (Lemberg, 1888), 64 sqq.; MARK OF LISBON, Chronica de la orden des los Fraklyles menored (Lisbon, 1556, etc. 1613; Salamanca, 1626, etc.). It tr. DIOLA (Brescia, 1581, etc.,; Milan, 1609; Venice, 1585, etc.; Naples, 1680, etc.); Fr. tr. (Paris, 1600,etc..); Ger. Tr. (Constance, 1604); RIDOLFI (TOSSIGNANO), ZAGA. Historia originis seraphica religionis, etc. (Rome, 1587; 2nd. ed. Venice, 1603). The principal workon the history of the order is Annales Minorum, in 8 fol. vols. (Lyons and Rome, 1625-54), of WADDING (d. 1658). To this DE MELISSANO wrote a supplement (Turin, 1710); HAROLD wrote an abstract, Epitome Annatium Ord. Min., in 2 fol. vols. (Rome, 1662). A 2nd ed. of the Annales, with the supplement of DE MELISSANO, was issued in 16 fol. vols. (Rome 1731-36), vol. XVII (Rome,1741) is an index only. Several continuations (Rome, Naples, Quaracchi, 1740-1886) bring the history up to 1622, in 25 vols. Other works are: DE GUBERNATIS, Orbis seraphicus seu historia de tribus ordinibus, etc., 5 vols.(Rome and Lons 1682-89), vol. VI (Quaracchi, 1887); DE ALVA ET ASTORGA, Monumenta antiqua seraphica (Louvain, 1664); SANNIG, Chronik der drey orden S. Francisci (3 vols., Prague, 1689, etc.); HUBER, Dreyfache Chronikh von dem dreyfachen Orden dess H....Farncisci (Munich, 1686);VAN DEN HAUTE, Brevis Historai Ord, Minorum (Rome, 1777); RANIER-MARCZIC (pseudonym of MARRACCINI), Apologia per l ordine de Fratri Minori (Lucca, 1748-50), 3rd vol., by DA DECIMO, who also edited the Secoli Serfici in 1757; KRESSLINGER, Ortus et progressus Ord. Min., Monachii (Munich, 1732); DA VICENZA, Storia cronologica dei tre ordini di s. Francesco (Venice 1760-61); DA LATERA, Manuale de Frati Minori (Rome, 1776); BENOFFI, Compendio di storia Minoritica (peasro, 1829); PAPINI, Storia di S. Francesco, 2 vols.(Foligno), 1825), PANFIELD DA MAGLIANO, Storia compendiosa di S. Francesco e de Francescani, extending only to 1414 (2 vols., Rome, 1874-76), vol. I.,Ger. tr. (Munich 1883); JEILER, in Kirchenlex., s.v. Franciscanerorden; PATREM, Tableau synoptique de l Historie de l ordre de St. Francois de 1208 a 1878 (Paris, 1878), continued to 1909 (Paris, 1909); tr. into Latin under title Manuale Historiae O.F.M.....latine redditum a P. Gallo haselbeck (Freiburg, 1909); PALOMES, Storia di S. Francesco, 7th ed. (2 vols.Palermo, 1879); IDEM, Dei Frati Minori e delle loro denominazioni (Palermo, 1897). The collection Analecta Franciscana sive Chronica aliaque varia documenta ad Historiam Fratrum Minorum Spectantia (vol I. Quaracchi, 1885; II, 1887; III, 1897; IV, 1906; V. 1910) contains the important chronicles etc., of the order. A special journal Archivum Franciscanum, Historicum (A.F.H.), (vol. I. 1908; II, 1909 etc.) was started in 1908 for the investigation of the history of the order. The same purpose is served-though much less comprehensively-by the Miscellanea Francescana published by FALOCI-PULIGNANI (10 vols., Foligno, 1886-1908); Etudes Franciscaines (20 vols., Paris, 1889-1908), especially from vol. XII, see also C. EUBEL, Die avignonische obedienz der Medikantenorden (Paderborn, 1900) Das Archiv fur Lit-und irchengesch, (A.L.K.G.) cf. supra; WIESHOFF, Die Stellung der Bettelorden in den deutschen frein, Reichstadten in M.A. (Leipzig, 1905); HOLZAPPEL, Die Anjange der Montes Pietatis. 1462-1515 (Munich,1903), tr. ROCCA (San Casciano, 1905); Focco, Studii francescani (2 vols., Naples, 1909); HEIMBUCHER, Die Orden und Congregationen der kathol. Kirche, II (2nd ed., )Paderborn, 1907), 307-387, 424-475, where an excellent bibliography is given. The best, and the only complete, manual of the order's history is the Handbuch der Gesch, des Franciscanerordens (Freiburg and St. Louis).
    (2) BULLS, GENERAL CONSTITUTIONS OF THE ORDER.- Monumenta ord. Min. Firmament, ed. WADDING in Annales O. M., each volume of which contains a rich appendix of documents; SBAHRALEA (SBARAGLIS),Bullarium Franciscanum (1219-1302), (4 vols., Roem, 1759-68), continued by EUBEL, Bull, Franc. (1303-1431), V-VII (Rome, 1898, 1902, 1904); EUBEL, Bullarii Franciscani Epitome...addito Supplemento (Quaracchi, 1908), a digest of all the bulls of SEARALEA (Bull, Fr., I-IV), with supplement; DA LATERA, Supplementum ad Bullarium Franciscanum (Rome, 1780), intended to remobe the conventual interuption of SBARALEA . The different constitutions of the order since 1506 have usually been issued separately; the latest is Regula et Constitutiones generales Fratrum Min. (Rome, 1897). Concerning the earliest constitutions see EHIRLE in A.L.K.G., VI. 1-138; A.F. H., II ( 1909), 269 sqq; LITTLE. Decrees of the General Chapters of the Friars Minor (1260-82) in English Historical Review, XIII (London, 1898), 703 sqq. The largest collection is to be found in Chronolgia historico-legalis Ordinis Fratrum Min. ( 4 vols., Naples. Venice and Rome, 1650-1795). The fficial decrees of the pope, the roman Congregations and General Curia since 1880 are collected in the Acta ordinis Minorum (28 vols. Quaracchi, 1882-1909).
    (3) HISTORY OF THE PROVINCES OF THE ORDER.-(i) Italy:-ANT. A TERINCA, Theatrum Etrusco-Minoriticum (Florence, 1682); ANT. AB ORVIETO, Chronologis della provincia serafica rif. dell Umbria (Perugia, 1717); ANT. DA NOLA. Cronica della rif. prov. di Napoli (naples, 1718); PETRUS TOGNOLETTO, Paradiso seraficodi Sicila (Palermo, 1667); FLAM, BOTTARDI, Memorie Storiche dell Osservante Prov. di Bologna (Parma, 1760, etc); AL. A PEDELAMA, Parva Chronica prov. Seraphicae Ref. (Assisi, 1886); SPILA DA SUBIACO, Memorie Storiche della prov. romana Rif. (3 vols., Rome 1890-96); MARCUS CERVONE DA LANCIANO, Compendio de Storia de Frati Minori nei tre Abruzzi (Lanciano, 1893); PICCONIDA CANTALOPO, Cenni biografici sugli uonimi illustri della prov, ossero di Bologan I (Parma, 1894) IDEM, Atti captitolari della minoritica Provincia di bologan (1458-1905) 2 vols. (Parma, 1201-05); IDEM, Serie cronologica-biografica des Ministrs.... e della pro. di bologna (Parma, 1908). (ii) France:- Chronica 24 Generalium ord. Min. in A.F., III, 1 sqq; Firmamentum (cf. supra) (1512), FODERE, Narration historique et topograhiue des couvents de St. Francois... de Bourgogne (Lyons 1619); RAPINE, Histoire generale de l Ordre et progres des Freres Mineurs...appelies...Recollets (Paris, 1631); LEFERVRE, Histoire chronologique de la province des Recollets de Paris (Paris, 1677); ED. D ALENCON, Essai de Martyrologe de l Ordre des Freres Mineurs pendant la revolution francaise 1792-1800 (Paris, 1892); CHERANCE, Nos Martyrs (Paris, 1908); DE KERVAL, St. Francois d Assise et l ordre seraphique (Vannes, 1898); VILLERET, Les Freres Mineures de France en face du protestantisme (Vannes, 1902); DAUX, L Ordre franciscain dans le Montalbanais (Montauban, 1903); DE BARENTON, Les Franciscains en France-only 64 pp., 6th ed. (Paris, 1903); OTHON DE PAVIE, L Aquitaine Seraphique (4 vols., Vannes, Tournai, 1900-07). (iii) Spain:-ANT. HEBRERA, Chronica de la Provincia de Aragon (Zaragoza, 1703-05); AL. DE TORRES, Chronica de la Provincia (1683); FRANC. DE JESUS MARIA, Chronicas de la Provincia de S. Diego en andalucia, I (Seville, 1724); JOS. DE JESUS MARIA, Chronica de Santa provincia da Immaculada Coceicao de Portugal (sbon, 1760, etc.) (iv) Germany and North Europe:-JORDANUS A YANO; GLASSBERGER,cf. supra), Chronica anonyma in A.F., I, 279-300: BERGER, Dreufache Chronikh (cf. supra); PLACIDIUS HERZOG, Cosmographia Franciscano-Austriacae provincia S. Bernardini (1732), ed. in A.F., I 41-213; IDEM, Cosmogr, Provinicae S. Joan, a Capistrano (Cologne, 1740); FRIDRICH, Historia...Prov. Hungariae ord. min. SS. Salvatoris (Kosoveo, 1759):BIERNACKI, Speculum Minorum seu...prov. Sarmaticae et Viscariae ruaaiae (Carcow. 1688); GREIDERER, Germania Franciscana (2 vols. Innsbruck, 1777-81); KNUDSEN, En gammel Kronike on Graabroedrenes Udjagelse af deres Klostre i Danemard (Copenhagen, 1851). Ger. tr. (Munster, 1863); Fr. tr. (Brussels, 1861); it. tr. (Florence, 1862); WOKER, Gesch, der norddeutschen Franzskanermissionen der sachisschen Provinz von hl, Kreuz (Freiburg, 1880); GUGGENBICHLER, Beitrage zur Kirchengesch, des XVI, und XVII, Jahrhunderts, Bedeutung und Verdienste des Franziskanerordens im kampfe gegen den protestantismus (Bozen, 1880), onlly vol. 1 issued (2nd ed., Bozen, 1881); C. EUBEL, Gesch der oberdeutschen (Strassburger) Minortlenprovinz (Wurzburg, 1886); LEMMENS, Niedersachsische Franciskanerkloster im Mittelalter (Hildesheim, 1896); FRIESS, Gesch. der Oesterreichischen Minoritenprovinz in Archiv fur osterreichische Gesch., LXIV (Vienna, 1882) 79sqq. MINGES, Gesch der Franziskaner in Bayern (Munich, 1896) SCHLAGER, Beitrage zur Gesch, der kolnischen Franziskaner-Ordensprovinz im M.A. (Cologne, 1904); C. EUBEL, Gesch, der kolnisch. Minoriten-ordensprovinz (Cologne, 1896); BIHL, Gesch. des Franziskanerklosters Frauenberg zu Fulda (Fulda, 1907); REISCH, Gesch. des Klosters S. dorothea in Breslau (Breslau, 1908); RANT, Die Franziskaner der osterreichischen Provinz, ihr Wirken in Nierderosterreich, Steiermark und Krain (1219-1596) (Stein in Carolina 1908); GOLICHOWSKI, Materyeaty do Historyi OO. Bernardynow we Polsce (Cracow, 1899); VAN BERLO, L Ordre des Freres Mineurs en belquque, 1833-1908 (Mechlin, 1908). (v) Great Britain and Ireland.-ECCLESTON (cf. supra), English version by CUTHBERT, The Friars and how they came to England (London, 1903); LITTLE, The Grey Friars in Oxford (Oxford, 1892) Historical sketch of the Order in Englan, appendix to LEON, Lives of the Saints (cf. infra), IV (Taunton, 1887); PARKINSON. Collectanea Anglo-Minoritica, or a Collection of the antiquites of the English Franciscans, I (London,1726); ANGELUS, A S. FRANCISCO (MASON), Certamen seraphicum provinciae anglia (Douai, 1649, 2nd ed., Quaracchi, 1885); BOURCHIER, Historia de maturio Fratr, Minorum in Anglia (Ingolstadt, 1583); BREWER AND HOWLETT, Monumenta Franciscana, 2 vols. R.S. (London, 1858, 1882); THADDEUS (HERMANS), The Franciscans in England, 1600-1850) (London, 1898); MEEHAN, The Rise and Fall of the Irish Franciscan Monasteries (Dublin, 1877); ESWARDS, The Grey Friars and their first houses in Scotland (Aberdeen, 1907).
    (4) HISTORY OF THE MISSIONS.-WADDING, Annales; DE GUBERNATIS, orbis Seraphicus (cf. suppra); DA CIVEZZA, Storai Universale delle Missioni Franciscane (11 vols., Rome, Prato, Florence, 1857-95); IDEM, Saggio di bibliografia (cf. supra), containing an extensive bibliography; VICTOR-BERN. DE ROUEN, Histories universelle des Missions Franciscaines (4 vols., Paris, 1898), a French translation of portion of the monumental work of DA CIVEZZA; JUAN FRANC. DE S. ANTONIO, Cronicas de la apostolica prov. de S. Gregorio en las islas filipinas (3 vols., manila, 1738-41); American Catholic Quarterly Review, XXX (1905), 672 sqq. GROTCKEN in Historisch-polit, blatter, CXLII (Munich, 1908), 587 sqq; IDEM in pastor bonus (Trier, 1908), XX, 456 sqq. (China); IDEM, loc. cit., XX, 81 sqq. (Morocco); CASTERLANOS, Apostolado serdifico en marrueccos (Madridand Santiago, 1896); DA CIVEZZA AND DOMENICHELLI, La Palestina ed i rimanti Missioni Franciscani (Florence), 1890); GOLUBOVICH, bibliotheca, bio-bibliografica della Terra Santa e dell orisent francescano, I (Quaracchi, 1906); Archivum Franc. Historicum (Quaracchi, 1908), I sqq.: FERNANDEZ, Cosnpectus Omnium Missionum ordinis Fratrum Minorum an. 1904-1905 (Quaracchi, 1905).
    (5) PARTICULAR BIBLIOGRAPHY.-MARIANUS OF FLORENCE, RIDOLFI TOSS. (cf. supra); WILLOT, Athenae Orthodoxorum Sodalitii Franciscani (liege 1598); WADDING, Scriptores Ord. Min (Rome, 1650); 2nd ed., rome, 1806 3rd ed., rome, 1906); JOHANNES A S. ANTONIO, Bibliotheca Franciscana (3 vols). Madrid, 1732-33); SBARALEA, Supplementum et Castigatio ad Scriptores ord. S. Francisci (2 vols., Rome, 1806; 2nd., 1908-9); FARKAS, Scriptores ord. Min. prov. Hungariae Reformatae nunc S. Mariae (Presburg, 1879); DA CIVEZZA, Saggio de bibliografia geografica, storica, etnografica Sanfrancescana (Prato, 1879); ANT. MAR. A VICETIA, Scriptores Provinciae Ref. s. antonii in Seraphicae, loc. cit., I, 408 sqq. LITTLE, The Grey Friars in Oxford (1892); DIRKS, Histoire litteraire... des Freres Mineurs de l Observance in Belgrique et dans les Pays Bas (Antwerp, 1885);MORIZZO, Scrittori kFrancescani riformati del Trentino (Trent, 1890); FELDER, Gesch. der wissenschafitichen Studien im Franziskarnerorden bis um die Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts (Freiburg, 1904) Fr. tr. (Paris, 1908); Archiv, Franc, Hist., I sqq.
    (6) HAGIOGRAPHY.-Cf. DIALOGUE, CATALOGUS, BARTHOLOMEW OF PISA, MARIANUS OF FLORENCE, WADDING, etc. (cf. supra); ARTHURUS DE MONASTERIO (MONSTIER), Martyrologium Franciscanum (Paris, 1638, and 1653; abridgment, Venice, 1879) HUBER Menologium...ordinum...S. Francisci (Munich, 1698) SIGISMUND DA VENEZIA, Biografia serafica (Venice, 1846); Le palmier seraphique (12 vols., Bar-le-Duc, 1872-); LEON DE CLARY, L Aureole seraphique (4 vols. paris, 1882); tr. Lives of the Saints and blessed of the three orders of St. Francis (4 vols. Taunton, 1885-87); It. tr. L Aureola serafica (4 vols. Quaracchi, 1898-1900); SCHOUTENS, Martyrolgium Minortiso-Belgicum (Hoogstraeten, 1902); ORTOLANI, De causis Beatorum et Servorum Dei Ord. Minourm (Quaracchi, 1905).

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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