Celestine II

Celestine II
Celestine II
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Pope Celestine II
    A native of Roman Tuscany, date of birth unknown; d. 8 March, 1144. He was a disciple of Abelard, and added to great learning the reputation of a grave and upright priest. He was made Cardinal in 1128, and in 1140 legate to France where he incurred the displeasure of St. Bernard for the protection he accorded Arnold of Brescia. He succeeded Innocent II, 25 September, 1143, and at once lifted from France the interdict that his predecessor had inflicted because of the act of Louis VII in opposing his own candidate to the rightfully elected Bishop of Bourges. On the eve of a serious conflict with Roger of Sicily he died, after a short reign of about six months.
    Transcribed by Gerald M. Knight

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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