
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Pope Severinus
    The date of his birth is not known. He was consecrated seemingly on 28 May, 640, and died 2 Aug., 640. Severinus, a Roman and the son of Abienus, was elected as usual on the third day after the death of his predecessor, and envoys were at once sent to Constantinople, to obtain the confirmation of his election (Oct., 638). But the emperor, instead of granting the confirmation, ordered Severinus to sign his Ecthesis, a Monothelite profession of faith. This the pope-elect refused to do, and the Exarch Isaac, in order to force him to compliance, plundered the Lateran Palace. All was in vain; Severinus stood firm. Meanwhile his envoys at Constantinople, though refusing to sign any heretical documents and deprecating violence in matters of faith, behaved with great tact, and finally secured the imperial confirmation. Hence, after a vacancy of over a year and seven months, the See of Peter was again filled, and its new occupant proceeded at once to declare that as in Christ there were two natures so also were there in Him two wills and two natural operations. During his brief reign he built the apse of old St. Peter's in which church he was buried.
    Liber Pontificalis, ed. DUCHESNE, I (Paris, 1886), 328 sq.; the works of St. MAXIMUS, in P.G., XC, XCI; MANN, Lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages, I (London, 1906), 346 sqq.
    Transcribed by Herman F. Holbrook Peter, I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not. Luke 22.32

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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  • Severinus — Severinus,   Papst (640), ✝ Rom 2. 8. 640; Römer; obwohl bereits am 12. 10. 638 gewählt, ließ Severinus sich erst nach seiner Bestätigung durch Kaiser Herakleios am 28. 5. 640 weihen. In die Zeit des Pontifikats Severinus fallen die Anfänge (in… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Severinus, S. (4) — 4S. Severinus, Abb. Presb. (8. al. 5., 11. Jan.). Dieser Heilige heißt öfter in Martyroldgien und Brevieren der »Apostel« des Noricum. So kann er eigentlich nicht genannt werden, da er den Samen des Evangeliums in diese Provinz nicht getragen hat …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Severinus — Severin oder Severinus ist ein männlicher Vorname lateinischen Ursprungs, der aus der Weiterbildung des altrömischen Bei und Familiennamens Severus entstand, was der Strenge oder der Ernste bedeutet. Der in Norddeutschland vorkommende… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Severinus — /sev euh ruy neuhs/, n. died A.D. 640, pope 640. * * * ▪ pope born , Rome [Italy] died August 2, 640, Rome       pope who was forced to wait one and a half years for consecration because he declined to endorse the Byzantine emperor Heraclius s… …   Universalium

  • SEVERINUS — I. SEVERINUS Noricorum Episcopus praedictionibus celebris. II. SEVERINUS Pontifex Roman. A. C. 638. post Honorium I. ut Ecthesi subscriberet, ab Heraclio Imperatore Perduci non potuit. Obiit A. C. 639. Successit Iohannes IV. III. SEVERINUS vide… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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