- Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo
- Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo
• Italian architect and sculptor (1598-1680)Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Bernini,Giovanni Lorenzo — Ber·ni·ni (bər nēʹnē, bĕr ), Giovanni Lorenzo or Gianlorenzo 1598 1680. Italian sculptor, painter, and architect. An outstanding exponent of the Italian baroque, he is noted for his flowing, dynamic sculpture, such as Apollo and Daphne (1622… … Universalium
Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo — ► (1598 1680) Pintor, escultor y arquitecto italiano. Fue el artista más emblemático de la Contrarreforma y del Barroco. Como arquitecto hizo el Baldaquino del altar mayor de la basílica de San Pedro del Vaticano. Construyó la Escala Regia (1663… … Enciclopedia Universal
BERNINI, GIOVANNI LORENZO — an Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, born at Naples; produced his Apollo and Daphne at eighteen, his masterpiece; was architect to the Pope, and designed the colonnade of St. Peter s; he died wealthy (1598 1680) … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Bernini, (Giovanni) Lorenzo — (1598–1680) Italian sculptor and architect … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini — Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini One of the most vigorous and fertile of Italian architects and sculptors, b. at Naples in 1598; d. at Rome in 1680. Bernini in his art is the most industrious … Catholic encyclopedia
Bernini Gian Lorenzo — Selbstportrait von Bernini Gian Lorenzo Bernini, auch: Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (* 7. Dezember 1598 in Neapel; † 28. November 1680 in Rom) war einer der bedeutendsten italienischen Bildhauer und Architekten des Barock … Deutsch Wikipedia
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini — Selbstportrait von Bernini Gian Lorenzo Bernini, auch: Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (* 7. Dezember 1598 in Neapel; † 28. November 1680 in Rom) war einer der bedeutendsten italienischen Bildhauer und Architekten des Barock … Deutsch Wikipedia
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini — Gian Lorenzo Bernini Peintres A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z par courant / par nationalité Le Bernin … Wikipédia en Français
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini — noun Italian sculptor and architect of the baroque period in Italy; designed many churches and chapels and tombs and fountains (1598 1680) • Syn: ↑Bernini • Instance Hypernyms: ↑architect, ↑designer, ↑sculptor, ↑sculpturer, ↑carver, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Bernini — Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo … Enciclopedia Universal