Stephen (V) VI

Stephen (V) VI
Stephen (V) VI
    Pope Stephen (V) VI
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Pope Stephen (V) VI
    Date of birth unknown; died in Sept., 891. His father, Hadrian, who belonged to the Roman aristocracy, entrusted his education to his relative, Bishop Zachary, librarian of the Holy See. Stephen was created cardinal-priest of SS. Quattro Coronati by Marinus I, and his obvious holiness was the cause of his being chosen pope. He was consecrated in September, 885, without waiting for the imperial confirmation; but when Charles the Fat found with what unanimity he had been elected he let the matter rest. Stephen was called upon to face a famine caused by a drought and by locusts, and as the papal treasury was empty he had to fall back on his father's wealth to relieve the poor, to redeem captives, and to repair churches. To promote order he adopted Guido III, Count of Spoleto, "as his son" and crowned him Emperor (891). He also recognized Louis the Blind as King of Provence. As Aurelian, Archbishop of Lyons, would not consecrate Teutbold who had been canonically elected Bishop of Langres, Stephen himself consecrated him. He had also to oppose the arbitrary proceedings of the Archbishops of Bordeaux and Ravenna, and to resist the attacks which the Patriarch Photius made on the Roman See. His resistance was successful, and the Emperor Leo Sent the disturber into exile. When writing against Photius, he begged the emperor to send warships and soldiers to enable him to ward off the assaults of the Saracens. Stephen, who received many English pilgrims and envoys bringing Peterspence, was buried in the portico of the basilica of that Apostle.
    Liber Pontificalis, II, 191 sqq., 226; Letters of STEPHEN in P. L., CXXIX, and LOWENFELD, Epp. Pont. Rom. (Leipzig, 1885), 35 sqq.; various annals in Mon. Germ. Hist.: Script., I; FRODOARD in ibid., XIII; DUCHESNE, The Beginnings of the Temporal Sovereignty of the Popes (London, 1907), 189, 194-5; MANN, Lives of the Popes, III, 367 sqq.
    Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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