St. Amalberga

St. Amalberga
St. Amalberga
     St. Amalberga
     Catholic_Encyclopedia St. Amalberga
    St. Amalberga, otherwise Amelia, was related in some way to Pepin of Landen. Whether she was sister or niece, the Bollandists are not sure. She was married to Witger and became the mother of three saints, Gudila, Reinelda, and Emembertus. The Norman chroniclers speak of her as twice married, which seems to be erroneous. Nor are Pharailda and Ermelende admitted by the Bollandists to have been her children. She and her husband ultimately withdrew from the world, he becoming a monk, and she a nun. There is very great confusion in the records of this saint, and of a virgin who came a century after. To add to the difficulty a third St. Amalberga, also a virgin, appears in the twelfth century. The first two are celebrated simultaneously on 10 July.
    Acta SS., III, July.
    Transcribed by Vivek Gilbert John Fernandez Dedicated to The Holy Catholic Church in her defense of life.
     St. Amalberga
     Catholic_Encyclopedia St. Amalberga
    A virgin, very much revered in Belgium, who is said to have been sought in marriage by Charles, afterwards Charlemagne. Continually repulsed, Charles finally attempted to carry her off by force, but though he broke her arm in the struggle he was unable to move her from the altar before which she had prostrated herself. The royal lover was forced to abandon his suit, and left her in peace. Many Miracles are attributed to her, among others the cure of Charles, who was stricken with illness because of the rudeness with which he had treated the saint. She died 10 July, in her thirty-first year, five years after Charles had ascended the throne.
    Acta SS., III, July.
    Transcribed by Vivek Gilbert John Fernandez Dedicated to the Holy Catholic Church in her fight for justice.

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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