Biard, Pierre

Biard, Pierre
Biard, Pierre
Jesuit missionary, born at Grenoble, France, 1576; died at Avignon, 17 November, 1622

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Pierre Biard —     Pierre Biard     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pierre Biard     Jesuit missionary, born at Grenoble, France, 1576; died at Avignon, 17 November, 1622. In 1608 he was called from a chair in scholastic theology and Hebrew at Lyons by Father Coton,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Biard — (spr. Biahr), 1) Pierre, Bildhauer u. Baumeister, geb. 1559 in Paris; verfertigte die Bildsäule Heinrichs IV. auf dem Pontneuf, welche in der Revolution zerstört wurde; er st. 1609. 2) Franç. [720] Aug., geb. 1800 in Lyon, bildete sich daselbst… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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