St. Anatolius

St. Anatolius
St. Anatolius
     St. Anatolius
     Catholic_Encyclopedia St. Anatolius
    Bishop of Laodicea in Syria, one of the foremost scholars of his day in the physical sciences and in Aristotelean philosophy. There are fragments of ten books on arithmetic written by him, and also a treatise on time of the Paschal celebration. A very curious story is told by Eusebius of the way in which Anatolius broke up a rebellion in a part of Alexandria known as time Bruchium. It was held by the forces of Zenobia, and being strictly beleaguered by the Romans was in a state of starvation. The saint, who was living in the Bruchium at the time, made arrangements with the besiegers to receive all the women and children, as well as the old and infirm, continuing at the same time to let as many as wished profit by the means of escaping. It broke up the defence and the rebels surrendered. It was a patriotic action on the part of the saint, as well as one of great benevolence, in saving so many innocent victims from death. In going to Laodicea he was seized by the people and made bishop. Whether his friend Eusebius had died, or whether they both occupied the see together, is a matter of much discussion. The question is treated at length in the Bollandists. His feast, like that of his namesake the Patriarch of Constantinople, is kept on 3 July.
    Acta SS., I, July; MICHAUD, Biog. Univ.; BARING-GOULD, Lives of the Saints (London, 1872).
    Transcribed by W.S. French, Jr.
     St. Anatolius
     Catholic_Encyclopedia St. Anatolius
    Patriarch of Constantinople in the time of Theodosius the Younger. The heretic Dioscurus had favoured his appointment as patriarch, hoping for his support, but he found in Anatolius a determined enemy, who in the Council of Chalcedon condemned him and his followers. How he died is disputed, but it would appear that the heretics put him to death. Baronius says this occurred in 458 after eight years in the patriarchate. The great annalist condemns him in a somewhat violent manner, for conniving with Dioscurus for his appointment, to the see; for demanding in contravention of the statutes of Nicæa, the supremacy of Constantinople over Antioch and Alexandria; for insincerity in opposing a new formula of doctrine; for declaring that Dioscurus was not condemned at Ephesus, on account of the faith; for removing the meritorious Ætius from time archidiaconate, and naming the unworthy Andrew; for weakness, if not connivance in dealing with the heretics. All of these serious accusations are discussed by the Bollandists, who give a verdict in favour of Anatolius. He is held by them to be a true Catholic, a saint, and a prophet. The Pope blamed him, not for error but because he permitted himself to be consecrated by a schismatic. One enthusiastic biographer narrates that his Miracles amid his combats equal in number the sands of the sea. He was born at Alexandria, and before becoming patriarch distinguishment himself at Ephesus against Nestorius, and at Constantinople against Eutyches, though the profession of faith which he drew up was rejected by time papal legates. When he was in danger of death me was restored to health by St. Daniel the Stylite, who came to Constantinople to see him. His feast is kept 3 July.
    Acta SS. 3 July; SMITH in Dict. of Christ. Biog.; HERGENRÖTHER, Hist. de l' église, II.
    Transcribed by W.S. French, Jr.

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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  • ANATOLIUS Alexandrinus — successor Eusebii, in Episcopatu Laodicensi, non minus pietate, quam eruditione illustris. Orator insignis, Marhematicus excellens, Philosophus consummatus, doctissimus aristotelis interpretum suô tempore habitus. Pauca, sed bene scripsit. Euseb …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • ANATOLIUS — I. ANATOLIUS Consul Romanus Valentiniani Aug. 5. collega. II. ANATOLIUS Diaconus Romanus A. C. 533. Item Dux copiarum Theodosii II. Imperatoris contra Persas, Sarracenos et Isauros, Amm. Marcellin. l. 31. III. ANATOLIUS humili locô natus, ingenii …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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