- St. Martin of Leon
- St. Martin of Leon
St. Martin of Leon† Catholic_Encyclopedia ► St. Martin of LeonA priest and canon regular of the Augustinians; b. at Leon in Spain (Old Castile) before 1150; d. there 12 January 1203. Having been educated in the monastery of St. Marcellus at Leon, he visited Rome and Constantinople. Returning to Spain he took the religious habit at St. Marcellus; but this monastery having been secularized by the bishops he entered the collegiate church of St. Isidore in the same city. The date of his death is given us by the necrology preserved in the monastery. He wrote commentaries on different Epistles and the Apocalypse, and left numerous discourses on the most varied subjects. His complete works were published first by Espinosa (Seville, 1782), Migne in P.L., LXXXI, 53-64, CCVIII, CCIX (Paris, 1855). The religious of St. Isidore's dedicated a chapel to Martin very early and celebrated his feast each year, but the Church has not officially included him in the list of Saints.Acts SS., February 11, II 568; CASTRO Bibl. Espan.,II (Madrid 1786), 514-5; CAVE, Script. Eccles., II (Basle, 1745), 301; CEILLIER, Hist. Gen. Des auteurs sacres et eccles., XIV (Paris, 1863), 833-4; LUC, Vita S. Martini in PL., CCVIII, 9-24.LÉON CLUGNETTranscribed by C.A. Montgomery
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat. 1910.
Catholic encyclopedia.