St. Tigris

St. Tigris
St. Tigris
    St. Tigris
     Catholic_Encyclopedia St. Tigris
    Irish saint, sister of St. Patrick. Much obscurity attaches to her life, and she has been frequently confounded with St. Darerca, another of the five sisters, who are treated of at length by Colgan. St. Tigris was the mother of five sons, all of whom became bishops: Sts. Lomam of Trim; Munis of Forgney; Broccaid of Emlagh; Broccen of Breaghwy; and Mugenoc of All Duimi Gluin. Jocelyn credits the saint with seventeen sons and five daughters, but Tirechan and the "Tripartite Life" are preferable authorities. Her husband's name was Gollit. The time and place of her death are uncertain.
    STOKES, Tripartite Life of St. Patrick (London, 1887); HEALY, Life and Writings of St. Patrick (Dublin, 1905).
    Transcribed by Robert B. Olson Offered to Almighty God for Ann M. Bourgeois

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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