Administrator \(of Ecclesiastical Property\)

Administrator \(of Ecclesiastical Property\)
Administrator \(of Ecclesiastical Property\)
One charged with the care of church property

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Administrator (of ecclesiastical property) — In the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church, an administrator of ecclesiastical property is anyone charged with the care of church property.Administrative authoritySupreme administrative authority in regard to all ecclesiastical temporalities… …   Wikipedia

  • Administrator (Of Church Property) —     Administrator (of Ecclesiastical Property)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Administrator (of Ecclesiastical Property)     One charged with the care of church property. Supreme administrative authority in regard to all ecclesiastical… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Trustee system (Catholic Church) — The Roman Catholic Church may employ laymen in the administration of ecclesiastical property; when laymen are among the trustees the Church endeavours, to have her own laws and principles carried out, as its trustee system, under canon law. The… …   Wikipedia

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  • Plenary Councils of Baltimore — The Third Plenary Council of Baltimore (1884) The Plenary Councils of Baltimore were three national meetings of Roman Catholic bishops in the 19th century in Baltimore, Maryland. During the early history of the Roman Catholic Church in the United …   Wikipedia

  • Parish — • A portion of a diocese under the authority of a priest legitimately appointed to secure the helps of religion for the faithful dwelling therein Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Parish     Parish …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Concordat — • In general, a concordat means an agreement, or union of wills, on some matter Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Concordat     Concordat      …   Catholic encyclopedia

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