Bruni, Leonardo

Bruni, Leonardo
Bruni, Leonardo
Article by Edmund Burke, summarizing the humanist's life and career

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Bruni, Leonardo — (1370 1444)    Florentine humanist and chancellor. Born at Arezzo, in the early 1390s Bruni migrated to Florence. He intended to study law, but he had the good fortune to be drawn into the circle of the Florentine chancellor Coluccio Salutati,… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Bruni, Leonardo — ▪ Italian scholar also called  Leonardo Aretino   born c. 1370, , Arezzo, Florence [Italy] died March 9, 1444, Florence       Italian humanist scholar of the Renaissance.       Bruni was secretary to the papal chancery from 1405 and served as… …   Universalium

  • Bruni, Leonardo — ► (1369? 1444) Erudito y escritor italiano, llamado el Aretino. Divulgó la literatura clásica griega …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • BRUNI, LEONARDO —    Italian humanist, born at Arezzo, hence called Aretino; was papal secretary; settled in Florence, and wrote a history of it; did much by his translations of Greek authors to promote the study of Greek (1369 1444) …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Bruni — Bruni, Leonardo …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Leonardo Bruni — (or Leonardo Aretino ) (c. 1369 ndash; March 9 1444), was a leading humanist, historian and a chancellor of Florence. He has been called the first modern historian.BiographyBorn in Arezzo, Tuscany, Bruni was the leading pupil of Coluccio Salutati …   Wikipedia

  • Leonardo Bruni — (Arezzo, 1370 Florencia, 1444) fue un humanista, historiador y político italiano. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Obra 3 Visión de la historia 4 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Leonardo Bruni — (* ca. 1369 in Arezzo; † 9. März 1444 in Florenz), nach seiner Heimatstadt auch Aretino genannt, war ein italienischer Humanist und Staatskanzler von Florenz. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Leonardo Bruni —     Leonardo Bruni     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Leonardo Bruni     An eminent Italian humanist, b. of poor and humble parents at Arezzo, the birthplace of Petrarch, in 1369; d. at Florence, 9 March, 1444. He is also called Aretino from the city… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Bruni — Bruni,   Leonardo, nach seinem Geburtsort auch L. Aretino genannt, italienischer Humanist, * Arezzo um 1370, ✝ Florenz 1444; betrieb humanistische Studien in Florenz und lernte Griechisch bei Manuel Chrysoloras. Seit 1406 apostolischer Sekretär,… …   Universal-Lexikon

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