
Details on two places with this name

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Adullam
    (Hebr. Adhullam, Vulg. Odollam, but Adullam in Jos., xv, 35.)
    (1) A Chanaanite city, to the west of Bethlehem, at the foot of the mountains of Juda. From the hands of the Chanaanites (Gem, xxxviii, 1 sqq.) it passed into the power of Juda (Jos., xii, 15; xv, 35), was fortified by Roboam (II Par., xi, 7), mentioned by the prophet Micheas (i, 15), and after the exile re-peopled by Jews (II Esdr., xi, 30; II Mach., xii, 38).
    (2) The Cave of Adullam, the shelter of David and his followers (I K., xxii, 1, 2), is situated, according to some, six miles southeast of Bethlehem, in the Wady Khareitun; but more probably near the city of Adullam.
    CLERMONT-GANNEAU and CONDER, Palestine Exploration Fund, Mere., III, 361-367; MUIR in HAST., Dict. of the Bible, I (New York, 1903).
    A.S. MAAS

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • Adullam — Adullam, alte kanaanit. Stadt in Juda; in der Höhle von A. verbarg sich David vor Saul …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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  • ADULLAM — nomen civitatis. Ios. c. 12. v. 15 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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