Calendar, Reform of the

Calendar, Reform of the
Calendar, Reform of the
Such alterations were too obvious to be ignored, and throughout the Middle Ages many observers both pointed them out and endeavoured to devise a remedy

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Reform of the Calendar —     Reform of the Calendar     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Reform of the Calendar     For the measurement of time the most important units furnished by natural phenomena are the Day and the Year. In regard of both, it is convenient and usual to… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Reform of the date of Easter — has been proposed several times because the current system for determining the date of Easter is seen as presenting two significant problems: Its date varies from year to year (by the Western system of calculation, it can fall on any of 35… …   Wikipedia

  • Reform of the Roman Breviary —     Reform of the Roman Breviary     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Reform of the Roman Breviary     By the Apostolic Constitution Divino Afflatu of Pius X (1 November, 1911), a change was made in the psalter of the Roman Breviary. Instead of printing …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Calendar reform — A calendar reform is any significant revision of a calendar system. The term sometimes is used instead for a proposal to switch to a different calendar.Most calendars have several rules which could be altered by reform: * Grouping of days of the… …   Wikipedia

  • CALENDAR REFORM — Attempts at calendar reform have been prompted by two desires: to achieve a closer synchronization of the civil year of 365 days with the astronomic fact that the earth revolves around the sun in nearly 365¼ days, and to make a symmetrical… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • calendar — calendrical /keuh len dri keuhl/, calendric, calendarial /kal euhn dair ee euhl/, calendarian, calendaric, adj. /kal euhn deuhr/, n. 1. a table or register with the days of each month and week in a year: He marked the date on his calendar. 2. any …   Universalium

  • Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 — Parliament of Great Britain Long title An Act for Regulating the Commencement of the Year; and for Correcting the Calendar now in Use Statute book chapter 1 …   Wikipedia

  • The Carmelite Order —     The Carmelite Order     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Carmelite Order     One of the mendicant orders.     Origin     The date of the foundation of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has been under discussion from the fourteenth century to …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Rite of Constantinople (Byzantine Rite) —     The Rite of Constantinople     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Rite of Constantinople     (Also BYZANTINE RITE.)     The Liturgies, Divine Office, forms for the administration of sacraments and for various blessings, sacramentals, and exorcisms …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Counter-Reformation —     The Counter Reformation     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Counter Reformation     The subject will be considered under the following heads:     I. Significance of the term II. Low ebb of Catholic fortunes III. St. Ignatius and the Jesuits,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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