Canopy, Altar

Canopy, Altar
Canopy, Altar
The 'Caeremoniale Episcoporum (I, xii, 13), treating of the ornaments of the altar, says that a canopy (baldachinum) should be suspended over the altar

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Altar Canopy — • The Caeremoniale Episcoporum (I, xii, 13), treating of the ornaments of the altar, says that a canopy (baldachinum) should be suspended over the altar Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Canopy     Altar Canopy …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Canopy — • An ornamental covering of cloth, stone, wood, or metal, used to crown an altar, throne, pulpit, or statue Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Canopy     Canopy      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Altar (in Liturgy) — • In the New Law the altar is the table on which the Eucharistic Sacrifice is offered Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar (in Liturgy)     Altar (in Liturgy) …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Canopy — may refer to: Aircraft canopy, transparent enclosure over aircraft cockpit Baldachin, cloth or permanent architectural feature that hangs over altar or throne as symbol of authority Camper shell, raised, rigid covering for the rear bed of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Altar Crucifix — • The principal ornament of the altar Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Crucifix     Altar Crucifix     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Altar Frontal — • An appendage which covers the entire front of the altar, from the lower part of the table to the predella, and from the gospel corner to that of the epistle side Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Frontal     Altar Fro …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Altar Tomb — • A tomb, or monument, over a grave, oblong in form, which is covered with a slab or table, having the appearance of an altar Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Tomb     Altar Tomb …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Canopy — Can o*py (k[a^]n [ o]*p[y^]), n.; pl. {Canopies} ( p[i^]z). [OE. canapie, F. canap[ e] sofa, OF. conop[ e]e, conopeu, conopieu, canopy, vail, pavilion (cf. It. canop[ e] canopy, sofa), LL. conopeum a bed with mosquito curtains, fr. Gr. kwnwpei^on …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Altar (Catholicism) — High altar of St. Michael s Church, Munich. In the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, the altar is where the Sacrifice of the Mass is offered. Mass may sometimes be celebrated outside a sacred place, but never without an altar, or at least an… …   Wikipedia

  • canopy — /kan euh pee/, n., pl. canopies, v., canopied, canopying. n. 1. a covering, usually of fabric, supported on poles or suspended above a bed, throne, exalted personage, or sacred object. 2. an overhanging projection or covering, as a long canvas… …   Universalium

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