- Aelnoth
- Aelnoth
• Monk and biographer, of whom nothing is known except his Life of St. Canute the Martyr, written in 1109
- Aelnoth
Ælnoth† Catholic_Encyclopedia ► ÆlnothMonk and biographer, of whom nothing is known except his Life of St. Canute the Martyr, written in 1109. In this work he describes himself as a priest, a native of Canterbury, and states that he has lived in Denmark for twenty-four years. This gives 1085 as the date at which he left England. In that year certain Relics of St. Alban were translated to Denmark, from which fact it has been conjectured that he accompanied them. In the title of his work he is described as a monk; he was probably of the Benedictine monastery of St. Canute, in Odense. No record of his death has been preserved. His Life of St. Canute was first printed by Huitfeld in 1602, reprinted by Meursius in 1746; but the best critical edition was published by the Bollandists in their "Acta Sanctorum" (July 10), edited by Solerius.BERNARD WARDTranscribed by Elizabeth T. Knuth
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat. 1910.
Catholic encyclopedia.