Castro y Bellvis, Guillen de

Castro y Bellvis, Guillen de
Castro y Bellvis, Guillen de
Spanish dramatic poet, b. of a noble family at Valencia in 1569; d. at Madrid in 1631

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • CASTRO Y BELLVÍS, Guillen de — (1569 1631) Guillen de Castro y Bellvís, a Spanish dramatist of the school of Lope de Vega,* successfully adapted popular legends and history to Golden Age drama, culminating in Las mocedades del Cid and its sequel, Las hazañas del Cid. Born in… …   Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary

  • Castro y Bellvís, Guillén de — born 1569, Valencia, Spain died 1631, Madrid Spanish playwright. Of his approximately 50 plays, the best remembered is The Youth of the Cid (с 1599), on which Pierre Corneille based his Le Cid (1637). Castro s play is notable for its naturalistic …   Universalium

  • Castro y Bellvís, Guillén de — (1569, Valencia, España–1631, Madrid). Dramaturgo español. De sus cerca de 50 obras, la más conocida es Las mocedades del Cid ( 1599), que sirvió de base a Pierre Corneille para escribir El Cid (1637). La obra de Castro es reconocida por su… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Guillen de Castro y Bellvis —     Guillen de Castro y Bellvis     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Guillen de Castro y Bellvis     Spanish dramatic poet, b. of a noble family at Valencia in 1569; d. at Madrid in 1631. He appears to have been early distinguished in the world of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Guillén de Castro y Bellvis — (1569 ndash; July 28, 1631), was a Spanish dramatist of the Spanish Golden Age.A Valencian by birth, he soon achieved a literary reputation. In 1591 he joined a local literary academy called the Nocturnos . At one time a captain of the coastguard …   Wikipedia

  • Castro y Bellvís — (Guilhem ou Guillén de) (1569 1631), dramaturge espagnol. En 1618, il publia deux pièces en vers: les Enfances (Mocedades) du Cid, qui inspira Corneille, et les Entreprises de jeunesse (Hazanas) du Cid …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Castro y Bellvis — Cạstro y Bellvịs,   Guillén de, spanischer Dramatiker, * Valencia 1569, ✝ Madrid 28. 7. 1631; lebte ab 1619 in Madrid im Dienst verschiedener Adliger. Dramatiker aus der Schule Lope de Vegas. C. y Bellvis entnahm die Stoffe für seine Comedias v …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Guillén — Guillén, Jorge Guillén, Nicolás * * * (as used in expressions) Castro y Bellvís, Guillén de Guillén, Jorge Guillén, Nicolás …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Guillén de Castro — y Bellvís (* 4. November 1569 in Valencia; † 28. Juli 1631 in Madrid) war einer der bedeutendsten Dramatiker des sog. Goldenen Zeitalters (Siglo de Oro) Spaniens. Er hat insgesamt etwa 35 Dramen verfasst. Am bekanntesten geblieben ist sein Stück… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CASTRO (G. de) — CASTRO GUILLÉN DE (1569 1631) De famille noble, Guillén de Castro y Bellvís fit tout d’abord une carrière militaire et civile à Valence et en Italie, avant de se fixer à Madrid où il fut en relation avec les plus illustres écrivains. Après avoir… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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