- Charron, Pierre
- Charron, Pierre
• Article by Charles B. Schrantz notes this French thinker's impact and the regrettable superficiality of his thought
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Charron, Pierre — ▪ French theologian born 1541, Paris, Fr. died Nov. 16, 1603, Paris French Roman Catholic theologian and major contributor to the new thought of the 17th century. He is remembered for his controversial form of skepticism and his separation… … Universalium
Charron, Pierre — (1541 1603) French philosopher. Educated in both humanist and scholastic subjects at Paris, and then in law at Orléans, Bourges, and Montpellier, and ordained as a priest, he settled in southwestern France and became chaplain to Margaret of… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Charron, Pierre — ► (1541 1603) Moralista francés. Es autor de De la sabiduría (1601), sistema de filosofía moral, inspirado en Montaigne … Enciclopedia Universal
CHARRON, PIERRE — a French moralist and theologian, as well as pulpit orator, born in Paris; author of Les Trois Vérités, the unity of God, Christianity the sole religion, and Catholicism the only Christianity; and of a sceptical treatise De la Sagesse ; a… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Charron — Charron, Pierre … Enciclopedia Universal
Pierre Charron — Full name Pierre Charron Born 1541, Paris, France Died November 16, 1603, Paris, France Era Renaissa … Wikipedia
Pierre Charron — (1541–1603). Französischer Philosoph und Theologe. Pierre Charron (* 1541 in Paris; † 16. November 1603 ebenda) war ein französischer Philosoph, Theologe und Vertreter des Skeptizismus. Nach einer Tätigkeit als Anwalt und nachfolgendem Studium… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pierre Charron — Pierre Charron † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pierre Charron Moralist, b. in Paris, 1541; d. there 6 Nov., 1603. He studied law at Bourges, but after several years practice he embraced the ecclesiastical state. For thirty years he preached … Catholic encyclopedia
CHARRON (P.) — CHARRON PIERRE (1541 1603) Homme d’Église et homme de lettres français, Pierre Charron est connu surtout comme moraliste. Il abandonne l’étude du droit pour celle de la théologie et est ordonné prêtre. Il se signale par son enseignement et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Charron — may refer to: People Al Charron Claude Charron Craig Charron Éric Charron Fernand Charron Guy Charron Joseph Charron Louise Charron Pierre Charron (1541–1603), a French philosopher Companies Charron (automobile), a French car maker operating from … Wikipedia