
Suffragan of Genoa. A city of the province of Genoa in Northern Italy, situated on a little bay of the Gulf of Genoa

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Chiavari
    Suffragan of Genoa. Chiavari is a city of the province of Genoa in Northern Italy, situated on a little bay of the Gulf of Genoa. It became a diocese in 1892, but until 1896 was administered by the Archbishop of Genoa, to which diocese it originally belonged. The first bishop was Fortunato Vinelli.
    Chiavari is famous for its industry and commerce, also for its cherrywood chairs first made by Giuseppe Descalzi. Many of the inhabitants devote themselves to fishing, there being an abundance of fish about that coast. There are also many slate quarries in the neighbourhood. The beauty of the city is much enhanced by the churches of the Madonna, San Francesco, and San Giovanni. After the discovery of the conspiracy of the Fieschi (1542), and the capture of Chiavari by the Counts of Lavagna, this city suffered much, being suspected of friendliness towards the conspirators. Among its illustrious citizens were: Luca Cantiano di Moneglia, founder of a school of painting, and Giuseppe Gregorio Solari, translator of many Latin poets.
    The diocese has a population of 99,200, with 138 parishes, 335 churches and chapels, 293 secular and 28 regular priests, 100 ecclesiastical students, 4 religious houses of men and 5 of women.
    Transcribed by Gerald M. Knight

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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