- Cîteaux, Abbey of
- Cîteaux, Abbey of
• Founded in 1098 by St. Robert, Abbot of Molesme, in a deserted and uninhabited part of the Diocese of Châlons-sur Saône
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Cîteaux Abbey — (French: Abbaye de Cîteaux) is a Roman Catholic abbey located in Saint Nicolas lès Cîteaux, south of Dijon, France. Today it belongs to the Trappists, or Cistercians of the Strict Observance (OCSO). The Cistercian order takes its name from this… … Wikipedia
Abbey of Citeaux — Abbey of Cîteaux † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Cîteaux Founded in 1098 by St. Robert, Abbot of Molesme, in a deserted and uninhabited part of the Diocese of Châlons sur Saône, today the Diocese of Dijon (Côte d Or, France), from… … Catholic encyclopedia
Abbey — An abbey (from Latin abbatia, derived from Syriac abba, father ), is a Christian monastery or convent, under the government of an Abbot or an Abbess, who serves as the spiritual father or mother of the community.Some cities were ruled by heads of … Wikipedia
Abbey of Fontenay — Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay * UNESCO World Heritage Site Country … Wikipedia
Abbey of Morimond — Abbey of Morimond † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Morimond Fourth daughter of Cîteaux situated in Champagne, Diocese of Langres, France; was founded in 1115 by Odelric d Aigremont and his wife, Adeline de Choiseul. Arnold, its… … Catholic encyclopedia
Abbey of Savigny — Abbey of Savigny † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Savigny Situated on the confines of Normandy and Brittany, Diocese of Coutances, France. Founded by Vital de Mortain, Canon of the Collegiate Church of St. Evroul, who, resigning his … Catholic encyclopedia
Abbey of Pontigny — Abbey of Pontigny † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Pontigny Second daughter of Cîteaux, was situated on the banks of the Serain, present Diocese of Sens, Department of Yonne. Hildebert (or Ansius), a canon of Auxerre, petitioned St … Catholic encyclopedia
Abbey of Clairvaux — Abbey of Clairvaux † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Clairvaux The third daughter of Cîteaux and mother in the fourth line of numerous and celebrated monasteries, founded in 1115 by St. Bernard, in a deep valley upon the bank of the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Abbey — • A monastery canonically erected and autonomous, with a community of not fewer than twelve religious; monks under the government of an abbot; nuns under that of an abbess Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Abbey Abbey … Catholic encyclopedia
Citeaux — Zisterzienserabtei Cîteaux Lage: Frankreich Region Burgund Ordnungsnummer (nach Janauschek): 1 Patrozinium: Gründungsjahr: 1098 Jahr der Auflösung/ Aufhebung … Deutsch Wikipedia