Ciudad Rodrigo

Ciudad Rodrigo
Ciudad Rodrigo
Suffragan of the Diocese of Santiago; comprises the greater part of the province of Salamanca, and a portion of the province of Cáceres

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Ciudad Rodrigo
    Ciudad Rodrigo
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Ciudad Rodrigo
    Diocese of Ciudad Rodrigo (Civitatensis)
    Suffragan of the Diocese of Santiago; comprises the greater part of the province of Salamanca, and a portion of the province of Cáceres. The city of Ciudad Rodrigo, which is the capital of the diocese, was named for the Count Rodrigo González, who founded it about the middle of the twelfth century. It has approximately a population of 7000 inhabitants, and is the head of the judicial district. The bishopric was established by Ferdinand II, King of Leon, its establishment being confirmed by Pope Alexander III in 1175. This see finally succeeded that of Caliabria, which dated from the Visigothic era, and existed from 621 to 693. Alfonso VIII gave the city of Caliabria to the Diocese of Ciudad Rodrigo in 1191. The first bishop of whom anything certain is known was called Pedro (1165); the most celebrated was the learned jurist Don Diego de Covarruvias y Leyva (1560).
    FLÓREZ, De las iglesias de Avila, Caliabria, etc. in España Sagrada (Madrid, 1786), XIV, 45-50; GONZÁLES-DÁVILA, Theatro eclesiástico de las Iglesias de las dos Castillas (Madrid, 1700), IV, 1-48.
    Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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