- Clement VII, Pope
- Clement VII, Pope
• Reigned 1523-34
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Clement VII, Pope — (Giulio de Medici, 1478 1534) Elected pope in 1523. An illegitimate and posthumous son of the murdered Giuliano de Medici, Giulio was brought up with the sons of his uncle Lorenzo de Medici, educated by the humanist Gentile Becchi, and… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Pope Clement VII — Pope Clement VII † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Clement VII (GIULIO DE’ MEDICI). Born 1478; died 25 September, 1534. Giulio de Medici was born a few months after the death of his father, Giuliano, who was slain at Florence in the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Clement VII — Pope Clement VII † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Clement VII (GIULIO DE’ MEDICI). Born 1478; died 25 September, 1534. Giulio de Medici was born a few months after the death of his father, Giuliano, who was slain at Florence in the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Clement VII — For the antipope (1378–1394), see Antipope Clement VII. Clement VII Portrait by Sebastiano del Piombo, c. 1531 Metropolis Florence … Wikipedia
Clement VII — (Giulio de Medici) 1478 1534, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1523 34 (nephew of Lorenzo de Medici). * * * orig. Giulio de Medici born May 26, 1478, Florence died Sept. 25, 1534, Rome Pope (1523–34). The illegitimate son of Giuliano de Medici (see… … Universalium
Clement VII — 1) (1478–1534) Pope. Clement VII was born Giulio de’ Medici and he was a cousin of Pope Leo x. He was appointed Archbishop of Florence and made a Cardinal in 1513 and he was highly influential during his cousin’s Pontificate. In 1523 he… … Who’s Who in Christianity
Clement (VII) — ▪ antipope original name Robert of Geneva , French Robert de Genève born 1342, Geneva [Switzerland] died Sept. 16, 1394, Avignon, Provence [France] first antipope (1378–94) of the Western (Western Schism) (Great) Schism that troubled the … Universalium
Clement VII — (Giulio de Medici; r. 1523 1534) Clement VII was the illegitimate son of Giuliano de Medici, who was killed in the Pazzi Conspiracy. In 1513, he was appointed archbishop of Florence and cardinal by his cousin, Pope Leo X, who, in 1517, also… … Dictionary of Renaissance art
Antipope Clement VII — For the Clement VII who was the legitimate Pope from 1523 to 1534, see Pope Clement VII. Pope Clement VII. Robert of Geneva (1342–16 September 1394) was elected to the papacy as (Anti )Pope Clement VII by the French cardinals who opposed Urban VI … Wikipedia
Clement VII — noun Italian pope from 1523 to 1534 who broke with Henry VIII of England after Henry VIII divorced Catherine of Aragon and married Anne Boleyn (1478 1534) • Syn: ↑Giulio de Medici • Instance Hypernyms: ↑pope, ↑Catholic Pope, ↑Roman Catholic Pope … Useful english dictionary