Albert, Bishop of Riga

Albert, Bishop of Riga
Albert, Bishop of Riga
Bishop of Riga, Apostle of Livonia, d. 17 January, 1229

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Albrecht (Albert), Bishop of Riga —     Albert     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Albert     (ALBRECHT.)     Bishop of Riga, Apostle of Livonia, d. 17 January, 1229. After the inhabitants of Livonia had twice lapsed from Christianity into paganism, and heroic measures were necessary to… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Albert (Albrecht), Bishop of Riga —     Albert     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Albert     (ALBRECHT.)     Bishop of Riga, Apostle of Livonia, d. 17 January, 1229. After the inhabitants of Livonia had twice lapsed from Christianity into paganism, and heroic measures were necessary to… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Riga Cathedral — with Riga Castle and Daugava River in the background …   Wikipedia

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  • Riga — /ree geuh/, n. 1. a seaport in and the capital of Latvia, on the Gulf of Riga. 915,000. 2. Gulf of, an arm of the Baltic between Latvia and Estonia. 90 mi. (145 km) long. * * * City (pop., 2000 prelim.: 764,328), capital of Latvia. Riga is… …   Universalium

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  • History of Riga — [ 1547] The history of Riga, the capital of Latvia, begins with the ancient settlement of the Livonians, an ancient Finnic tribe, at the junction of the Daugava and Ridzene ( lv. Rīdzene) rivers. The Ridzene was originally known as the Riga River …   Wikipedia

  • Prince-Bishop — A Prince Bishop is a bishop who is a territorial Prince of the Church on account of one or more secular principalities, usually pre existent titles of nobility held concurrently with their inherent clerical office. If the see is an archbishopric …   Wikipedia

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