Alberti, Leone Battista

Alberti, Leone Battista
Alberti, Leone Battista
Florentine ecclesiastic and artist of the fifteenth century

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • Alberti, Leone Battista — ► (1404 72) Humanista y arquitecto florentino. Sus viajes por Italia le permitieron conocer la arquitectura clásica. Fue un notable teórico de la arquitectura renacentista (De re aedificatoria, 1451). Escribió tratados sobre la escultura y la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Leone Battista Alberti —     Leone Battista Alberti     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Leone Battista Alberti     Born 18 February, 1404; died April, 1472, a Florentine ecclesiastic and artist of the fifteenth century. He embraced the ecclesiastical state and became a canon… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Leone Battista Alberti — Childhood and educationAn Italian humanist, Alberti is often seen as a model of the Renaissance universal man. He was born in Genoa, one of two illegitimate sons of a wealthy Florentine merchant, Lorenzo Alberti. Leon s mother, Bianca Fieschi,… …   Wikipedia

  • Leone Battista Alberti — Leon Battista Alberti Pour les articles homonymes, voir Alberti. Sa statue au piazzale des Offices de Florence Leon Battista Alberti …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Alberti — Alberti, Domingo Alberti, Leone Battista Alberti, Rafael ► Familia florentina de comerciantes y banqueros, rival de los Albizzi. Tomó parte importante en las luchas que sostuvo Florencia en los ss. XIV y XV …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Alberti — Alberti, Leone Battista, ital. Künstler und Gelehrter, geb. 18. Febr. 1404 zu Genua, gest. 1472 zu Rom, zugleich Musiker, Maler, Dichter und Schriftsteller, von Beruf Architekt; kunsthistor. Schriften »De re aedificatoria« (1485), »De pictura«… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Alberti (surname) — Alberti was an illustrious Florentine family, rivals of the Medicis and the Albizzi. The main lineage died during the Victorian Era, and their lands passed on to in laws. After numerous legal battles, the blood related Alberty branch of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Alberti (homonymie) — Alberti  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différentes personnes partageant un même patronyme. Patronymes Alberti est un patronyme italien, porté par les personnes suivantes, de nationalité italienne ou d origine italienne : Leone… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Alberti — may refer to:In places: * Alberti Partido, a partido of Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaPeople with the surname Alberti: * Rafael Alberti (1902 1999), Spanish poet of the Generation of 27. * Leone Battista Alberti (1404–1472), Italian Renaissance …   Wikipedia

  • Leone (disambiguation) — Leone may refer to:Given name* Leone Battista Alberti, Italian Renaissance humanist polymath * Leone Caetani, Italian politician * Leone de Sommi, Italian writer * Leone Ginzburg, Italian journalist * Leone Leoni (1509 1590), Italian Renaissance… …   Wikipedia

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