- Eckhart, Meister
- Eckhart, Meister
• Biographical article on the Dominican theologian and mystic. Includes bibliography
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
ECKHART, MEISTER° — (c. 1260–c. 1327), theologian and mystic. Born Johannes Eckhart at Hochheim, Thuringia, he joined the Dominican Order in his youth. Although some of his propositions were condemned as heretical by Pope John XXII, Eckhart exerted a great influence … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Eckhart, Meister — orig. Johannes born с 1260?, Hochheim?, Thuringia died 1327/28?, Avignon German theologian and mystic. A Dominican from age 15, he studied theology at Cologne and Paris and became a popular preacher and teacher. In his mid 30s he served as vicar… … Universalium
Eckhart, Meister — (ca. 1260–1328) The Dominican teacher Eckhart was one of the most influential thinkers and preachers of his time. Because of his profound spirituality and visionary language, he has often been identified as a mystic, but the label of… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Eckhart, Meister — orig. Johannes ( ¿1260?, ¿Hochheim?, Turingia–¿1327/28?, Aviñón). Teólogo y místico alemán. Dominico desde la edad de 15 años, estudió teología en Colonia y París y fue profesor y predicador popular. Cuando tenía unos de 35 años fue nombrado… … Enciclopedia Universal
ECKHART, MEISTER — a German philosopher and divine, profoundly speculative and mystical; entered the Dominican Order, and rapidly attained to a high position in the Church; arraigned for heresy in 1325, and was acquitted, but two years after his death his… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Meister Eckhart — Eckhart von Hochheim Full name Eckhart von Hochheim Other names Meister Eckhart Born Around 1260 Near Gotha, Holy Roman Empire Died 1327 or 1328 Avignon? Era Medieval philosophy … Wikipedia
Meister Eckhart — Meister Johann Eckhart † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Meister Johann Eckhart (Also spelled Eckard, Eccard. Meister means the Master ). Dominican preacher, theologian and mystic, born about 1260 at Hochheim, near Gotha; died in 1327 at… … Catholic encyclopedia
Eckhart — Eckhart, Meister, s. Eckart … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Meister Dietrich — Dietrich von Freiberg, lateinisch Theodoricus de Vriberch oder Theodoricus Teutonicus (* um 1240/1245 in Freiberg; † nach 1310, vermutlich um 1318/1320[1]) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Theologe und Naturwissenschaftler. Er gehörte dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Meister Eckhart Preis — Der Meister Eckhart Preis ist ein von der Identity Foundation gestifteter deutscher Wissenschaftspreis, der seit 2001 im Zwei Jahres Turnus vergeben wird. Die Auszeichnung wird 2007 erstmals zusammen mit der Universität zu Köln verliehen. Der mit … Deutsch Wikipedia