
Diocese of the Greek Ruthenian Rite, suffragan to Gran

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Eperies
    Diocese of the Greek Ruthenian Rite, suffragan to Gran. Detached in 1818 from the Diocese of Munkacs, this diocese has had the following bishops: Gregory Tarkovics (1818-41); Joseph Garganecs (1843-75); Nicholas Toth (1876-81); John Valyi (1882). The city of Eperies, called by the Slovaks Pressova, was founded by a German colony in the twelfth century on the Tarcza, a tributary of the Danube, and is now the capital of the county of Saros, Hungary, with a population of 11,000. It is famous for its sugar factories, its mineral waters, and the rock salt mine situated at Sovar, several miles distant. The diocese contains 160,000 Ruthenian Catholics; 212 priests (nearly all married); 190 parishes scattered over the territory of six counties; 190 churches, 25 chapels, 24 parochial schools, with 28,000 pupils, a college for boys, 2 convents of Basilians, and a theological seminary with 40 students. The episcopal residence, the seminary, and most of the diocesan institutions are situated at Eperies.
    Transcribed by Gerald M. Knight

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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