Eucharist, Introduction to the

Eucharist, Introduction to the
Eucharist, Introduction to the
The name given to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar its twofold aspect of sacrament and Sacrifice of Mass, and in which Jesus Christ is truly present under the bread and wine

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • The Reformation —     The Reformation     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Reformation     The usual term for the religious movement which made its appearance in Western Europe in the sixteenth century, and which, while ostensibly aiming at an internal renewal of the …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Eucharist — For Eucharistic liturgies, see Christian liturgy. Most Precious Blood redirects here. For other uses, see Most Precious Blood (disambiguation). For other uses, see Eucharist (disambiguation). The institution of the Eucharist has been a key theme… …   Wikipedia

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