- Ficino, Marsilio
- Ficino, Marsilio
• Entry on this Renaissance Platonist, by M. Schumacher. Details his life and explores his relation to the classical thinkers
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Ficino, Marsilio — (1433– 99) Philosopher and Mystic. Ficino was born near Florence. Under the patronage of Cosimo de’ Medici, he studied Greek philosophy and by 1477 he had translated all the dialogues of Plato. He was the founder of the Platonic Academy in… … Who’s Who in Christianity
Ficino, Marsilio — (1433 1499) Priest, doctor, musician, translator of ancient texts, writer, philosopher, and key figure of the Renaissance. Marsilio Ficino enjoyed the patronage of the Medici rulers of Florence. While in the service of Cosimo de Medici, Ficino … Dictionary of Renaissance art
Ficino, Marsilio — born Oct. 19, 1433, Figline, Republic of Florence died Oct. 1, 1499, Careggi, near Florence Italian philosopher, theologian, and linguist. His translations and commentaries on the writings of Plato and other Classical Greek authors marked the… … Universalium
Ficino, Marsilio — (1433 1499) Florentine translator and Neo platonic philosopher, associated with the Medici family, who became his patrons. The son of a personal physician to Cosimo de Medici, he received a medical rather than a humanistic education. Thus… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Ficino, Marsilio — (1433–1499) The main representative of Platonism and Neoplatonism in Renaissance Florence, and the founder and head of the Academy of Florence . In 1484 his complete translation of Plato s dialogues was published. Ficino s commentaries and… … Philosophy dictionary
Ficino, Marsilio — ► (1433 99) Médico y humanista italiano, una de las figuras más destacadas de la Academia platónica que estableció Lorenzo de Médicis en Careggi. Se propuso conciliar el platonismo con la fe cristiana. Tradujo a Platón, Plotino, etc. * * * (19… … Enciclopedia Universal
Ficino, Marsilio — See Philosophy (The) of the Italian Renaissance … History of philosophy
FICINO, MARSILIO — an eminent Italian Platonist, born at Florence; in 1463 became president of a Platonic school, founded by Cosmo de Medici, where he spent many years spreading and instilling the doctrines of Plato, and, indeed, ancient philosophy generally;… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Ficino — Ficino, Marsilio … Philosophy dictionary
Ficino — Ficino, Marsilio … Enciclopedia Universal