- Formosus, Pope
- Formosus, Pope
• Reigned 891-896
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Formosus — Pope Formosus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Formosus (891 896) The pontificate of this pope belongs to that era of strife for political supremacy in Italy, which succeeded the disruption of the Carlovingian empire. Formosus was… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Formosus — Pope Formosus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Formosus (891 896) The pontificate of this pope belongs to that era of strife for political supremacy in Italy, which succeeded the disruption of the Carlovingian empire. Formosus was… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope John VIII — Pope John VIII † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope John VIII (Reigned 872 82) A Roman and the son of Gundus. He seems to have been born in the first quarter of the ninth century; d. 16 Dec., 882. In 853 and 869 he appears as archdeacon … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Sergius III — Pope Sergius III † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Sergius III Date of birth unknown; consecrated 29 Jan., 904; d. 14 April, 911. He was a Roman of noble birth and the son of Benedict. He became a strong upholder of the party opposed to… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Stephen (VI) VII — Pope Stephen (VI) VII † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Stephen (VI) VII (896 7) Date of birth unknown; died about August, 897. Stephen was a Roman, and the son of John, a priest. He had been consecrated Bishop of Anagni, possibly… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Clement V — Pope Clement V † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Clement V (BERTRAND DE GOT.) Born at Villandraut in Gascony, France, 1264; died at Roquemaure, 20 April, 1314. He was elected, 5 June, 1305, at Perugia as successor to Benedict XI,… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope John IX — Pope John IX † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope John IX (898 900). Not only is the date of John s birth unknown, but the date of his election as pope, and that of his death are alike uncertain. He became pope in the early part of 898 … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Benedict IV — Pope Benedict IV † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Benedict IV Date of birth unknown; died in the summer of 903. The Popes Benedict from the fourth to the ninth inclusive belong to the darkest period of papal history. The reigns of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Marinus I — Pope Marinus I † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Marinus I (882 884) There is reason for believing that Marinus I was elected on the very day of the death of John VIII (16 Dec., 882), and that he was consecrated without waiting for… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pope Theodore II — Pope Theodore II † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Theodore II Son of Photius. His pontificate lasted only twenty days; neither the date of his birth nor of his accession to the papacy is known; it is probable that he was pope during… … Catholic encyclopedia