- Gama, Vasco da
- Gama, Vasco da
• The discover of the sea route to East Indies; born at Sines, Province of Alemtejo, Portugal, about 1469; died at Cochin, India, 24 December, 1524
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Gama, Vasco de — Gama, Vasco de, der Erste, welcher die Seereise nach Ostindien um das Vorgebirge der guten Hoffnung 1498 zurücklegte und demnach der Begründer der portugiesischen Kolonien an den Küsten Indiens, war 1450 geboren. Schon vor ihm hatte Bartholomäus… … Damen Conversations Lexikon
Gama, Vasco da, 1er conde de Vidigueira — ( 1460, Sines, Portugal–24 dic. 1524, Cochin, India). Navegante portugués. En su primer viaje a India (1497–99), navegó con cuatro barcos alrededor del cabo de Buena Esperanza, y visitó varias ciudades mercantiles en Mozambique y Kenia durante el … Enciclopedia Universal
Gama, Vasco da — ▪ Portuguese navigator Introduction Portuguese Vasco da Gama, 1er conde da Vidigueira born c. 1460, Sines, Port. died Dec. 24, 1524, Cochin, India Portuguese navigator whose voyages to India (1497–99, 1502–03, 1524) opened up the sea… … Universalium
Gama,Vasco da — Ga·ma (gămʹə, gäʹmə), Vasco da. 1460? 1524. Portuguese explorer and colonial administrator. The first European to sail to India (1497 1498), he opened the rich lands of the East to Portuguese trade and colonization. * * * … Universalium
Gama, Vasco da, 1st count da Vidigueira — born с 1460, Sines, Port. died Dec. 24, 1524, Cochin, India Portuguese navigator. On his first voyage to India (1497–99), he traveled around the Cape of Good Hope with four ships, visiting trading cities in Mozambique and Kenya en route. Portugal … Universalium
Gama, Vasco da — (ca. 1469 1524) Portuguese explorer, the commander chosen to lead the expedition of 1497 1499 that reached the port of Calicut in India in May 1498 and thus completed Portugal s search for a route to India by way of South Africa. He was a… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Gama, Vasco de — ► (1469 1524) Navegante portugués. Halló el paso oriental hacia las Indias y realizó la circunnavegación de África. Dobló el cabo de Buena Esperanza y arribó a Calicut en 1498. Tras la muerte del virrey de Alburquerque, para poner fin a los… … Enciclopedia Universal
GAMA, VASCO DA — a famous Portuguese navigator, the discoverer of the route to India round the Cape of Good Hope, born at Sines, in Portugal, of good family; he seems to have won the favour of King Emmanuel at an early age, and already an experienced mariner,… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Gama, Vasco da — (Not de.) (c. 1469–1524) Portuguese explorer … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Gama, Vasco da — … Useful english dictionary