Giordano, Luca

Giordano, Luca
Giordano, Luca
Neapolitan painter; b. at Naples, 1632; d. in the same place, 12 Jan., 1705

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Giordano, Luca — born Oct. 18, 1632, Naples died Jan. 3, 1705, Naples Italian painter active in Naples. He was inspired by the work of José de Ribera and (after extensive travel in Florence, Rome, and Venice) that of Paolo Veronese and Pietro da Cortona, whose… …   Universalium

  • Giordano, Luca — o Lucas Jordán (18 oct. 1632, Nápoles–3 ene. 1705, Nápoles). Pintor italiano que trabajó en Nápoles. Se inspiró en la obra de José de Ribera y, luego de muchos viajes por Florencia, Roma y Venecia, en la de Paolo Veronese y Pietro da Cortona,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • GIORDANO, LUCA —    Italian painter, born at Naples; studied under various celebrated masters at Naples, Rome, Lombardy, and other places, finally returning to Naples; in 1692 he received a commission from Charles II. of Spain to adorn the Escurial, and in the… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Luca Giordano — Autorretrato Nombre de nacimiento Luca Giordano Nacimiento 18 de octubre de 1634 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Luca Giordano —     Luca Giordano     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Luca Giordano     Neapolitan painter; b. at Naples, 1632; d. in the same place, 12 Jan., 1705. He was esteemed the marvel of his age for the rapidity with which he covered with frescoes vast… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • GIORDANO (L.) — GIORDANO LUCA (1632 1705) L’influence des caravagesques napolitains et celle de Ribera, qui inspire jusqu’au pastiche les premiers dessins de Luca Giordano, ne sont qu’une étape rapidement franchie par cet artiste fougueux, à l’imagination… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Luca — luca. f. coloq. Arg., Col. y Ur. Billete de 1000 pesos. || 2. m. pl …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Giordano [2] — Giordano, Luca, berühmter italien. Maler, geb. 1632 zu Neapel, malte sehr viel in Fresko u. Oel, ward später von Karl II. nach Spanien berufen, wo er den Escurial mit seinen Gemälden zierte u. 13 Jahre verweilte; st. 1704 in seiner Vaterstadt.… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Giordano — (Luca) (1634 1705) peintre italien de tendance baroque …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Luca Giordano — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Giordano. Luca Giordano …   Wikipédia en Français

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