Guiscard, Robert

Guiscard, Robert
Guiscard, Robert
Duke of Apulia and Calabria, founder of the Norman state of the Two Sicilies; born about 1016; died 17 July, 1085

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Guiscard,Robert — Guis·card (gē skärʹ), Robert. See Robert Guiscard. * * * …   Universalium

  • GUISCARD, ROBERT —    Duke of Apulia and Calabria, born at Coutances, in Normandy; along with his brothers, sons of Tancred de Hauteville, he, the sixth of twelve, following others of the family, invaded S. Italy; won renown by his great prowess, and in the end the …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Robert de Hauteville — Robert Guiscard Pièce de monnaie à l effigie de Robert Guiscard Robert de Hauteville dit Robert Guiscard « l’Avisé » (Italien : Roberto d Altavilla, Roberto il Guiscardo ; Latin : Robertus de Altavilla, Robertus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Robert Guiscard —     Robert Guiscard     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Robert Guiscard     Duke of Apulia and Calabria, founder of the Norman state of the Two Sicilies; born about 1016; died 17 July, 1085. He was the eldest son of the second marriage of Tancred,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • ROBERT GUISCARD — (1015 env. 1085) Fils aîné du second mariage de Tancrède, seigneur de Hauteville la Guichard (Cotentin). Plusieurs des demi frères de Robert Guiscard sont partis dans les années 1030 faire fortune en Italie méridionale: Guillaume Bras de Fer… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Robert, Count of Montescaglioso — Robert (died July 1080), a nephew of Robert Guiscard through one of his sisters and a brother Geoffrey of Conversano, was the first count of Montescaglioso. Along with his brother Geoffrey and his cousins, Abelard and Herman, Robert was… …   Wikipedia

  • Guiscard — Guiscard, Robert, Herzog von Apulien, s. Robert Guiscard …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Robert Guiscard — Coin of Robert Guiscard. Robert d Hauteville, known as Guiscard, Duke of Apulia and Calabria, from Latin Viscardus and Old French Viscart, often rendered the Resourceful, the Cunning, the Wily, the Fox, or the Weasel (c. 1015 – 17 July 1085) was… …   Wikipedia

  • Robert Guiscard — Pièce de monnaie à l effigie de Robert Guiscard Robert de Hauteville dit Robert Guiscard[1] « l’Avisé » (Italien : Roberto d Altavilla, Roberto il Guiscardo ; Latin : Robertus de Altavilla, Robertus cogno …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Robert — /rob euhrt/, n. 1. Henry Martyn /mahr tn/, 1837 1923, U.S. engineer and authority on parliamentary procedure: author of Robert s Rules of Order (1876, revised 1915). 2. a male given name: from Germanic words meaning glory and bright. * * * (as… …   Universalium

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