- Hofer, Andreas
- Hofer, Andreas
• A patriot and soldier, born at St. Leonhard in Passeyrthale, Tyrol, 22 Nov., 1767; executed at Mantua, 20 Feb., 1810
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Hofer Andreas — Andreas Hofer Andreas Hofer (* 22. November 1767 am Sandhof bei St. Leonhard in Passeier in der damaligen Grafschaft Tirol; † 20. Februar 1810 in Mantua, Italien) war Wirt im Gasthaus „Am Sand”, Viehhändler und als … Deutsch Wikipedia
HOFER, ANDREAS° — (1767–1810), leader of the Tyrolean Vorarlberg insurrection in 1809 against the Bavarian rule established by Napoleon. Hofer s insurrection and subsequent execution (glorified in a popular song) were an important part of the arsenal of German… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Hofer, Andreas — ▪ Tirolean leader born Nov. 22, 1767, near Sankt Leonhard, South Tirol, Austrian Empire [now San Leonardo, Italy] died Feb. 20, 1810, Mantua, Kingdom of Italy Tirolese patriot, military leader, and popular hero who fought Napoleonic France and… … Universalium
Hofer, Andreas — (1767–1810) The leader of a Tyrolean uprising against Bavarian rule imposed by Napoleon in the treaties of Pressburg (Bratislava) and Schönbrunn (1805, 1809), he was an innkeeper in his native South Tyrol. In 1790, he became a delegate to the… … Historical dictionary of Austria
HOFER, ANDREAS — Tyrolese patriot; was leader of the Tyrolese against the Bavarians and the French, and the emancipator thrice over of his country, but was eventually betrayed by his enemies into the hands of the French, condemned by court martial at Mantua,… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Andreas Hofer (Künstler) — Andreas Hofer (* 1963 in München) ist ein deutscher Künstler. Er signiert seine Arbeiten zumeist mit Andy Hope 1930 und verdichtet seine Ausstellungen zu komplexen Installationen, die den Blick in eine vergessene Zeit, unbekannte Epoche oder noch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Andreas Hofer — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ejecución de Andreas Hofer en Mantua Andreas Hofer (*22 de noviembre de 1767, San Leonardo (Sankt Leonhard) –† 20 de febrero de 1810 … Wikipedia Español
Andreas Hofer — (22 novembre 1767 20 février 1810) était un patriote tyrolien. Aubergiste de profession, il fut l instigateur de la rébellion des montagnards tyroliens contre l impérialisme bonapartiste et marqua le nationalisme pantyrolien. Andreas Hofer naquit … Wikipédia en Français
Andreas Hofer — Andreas Hofer † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Andreas Hofer A patriot and soldier, born at St. Leonhard in Passeyrthale, Tyrol, 22 Nov., 1767; executed at Mantua, 20 Feb., 1810. His father was known as the Sandwirth (i. e., landlord of the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Andreas Hofer (Radsportler) — Andreas Hofer Andreas Hofer 2011 Personendaten Geburtsdatum 8. Februar 1991 Nation Osterreich … Deutsch Wikipedia