- In Cœna Domini
- In Cœna Domini
• A papal Bull, so called from the feast on which it was annually published in Rome, viz, the feast of the Lord's Supper, or Maundy Thursday
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Domini Blythe — Born Domini Miranda Blythe August 28, 1947(1947 08 28) Upton, Cheshire Died December 15, 2010(2010 12 15) (aged 63) Montreal, Quebec Occupation actress … Wikipedia
Domini — may mean: * Domini (company) an investment company. * Domini (Imperial Rome) meaning lords in Latin, a title of emperors of the Roman Empire. * Domini (Christianity) meaning of the Lord in Latin, used in phrases such as Anno Domini and Dies… … Wikipedia
DOMINI et DOMNI — DOMINI, et DOMNI Sancti passim appellati Scriptoribus medii aevi observatque Ioseph. Scalig. Not. ad Fragm. vett. Scriptor. post libros de Emend. temp. p. 36. Chaldaeos Christianos, praecipuorum Sanctorum, ut Apostolorum, nominibus, vocem Mar,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Domini canes — (lat., »Hunde des Herrn«), Wortspiel zur Bezeichnung der Dominikaner wegen ihres Eifers und ihrer Wachsamkeit für Reinerhaltung des katholischen Glaubens … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
DOMINI appellatio — in salutationibus frequens, apud Romanos. Martial. l. 6. Epigr. 88. cuius Epigraphe ad Caecilianum. Mane salutavi vero te nomine casu, Nec dixi Dominum, Caeciliane, meum. Et ante eum Senec. ignotos sic appellari salutarique solitos testatur.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Domini Marty — Dominik Marty, genannt Sity Domini (* 1937; † 31. August 2005) war ein Schweizer Volksmusiker. Seine Musik war der Ländler und das Spiel auf der Bassgeige, Schwyzerörgeli und dem Büchel (gewundenes Alphorn). Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Musikalische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Domini — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Domini est une entreprise d investissements. Dans la Rome impériale, Domini est un titre donné à celui qui est appelé empereur. Domini est une locution… … Wikipédia en Français
Domini di Terraferma — Terraferma redirects here. For the 2011 film, see Terraferma (film). Domini de Teraferma (vec) Mainland domains Domain of the Republic of Venice … Wikipedia
Domini 400 Social Index — KLD’s Domini 400 Social Index (DS400) is a market cap weighted stock index of 400 publicly traded companies that have met certain standards of social and environmental excellence. Potential candidates for this index will have positive records on… … Wikipedia
Domini — Dominus Dom i*nus, n.; pl. {Domini}. [L., master. See {Dame}.] Master; sir; a title of respect formerly applied to a knight or a clergyman, and sometimes to the lord of a manor. Cowell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Domini — n. (Latin) part of the phrase anno Domini ( in the year of our Lord, generally written as A.D. , designates the years since the reputed date of the birth of Christ) … English contemporary dictionary