Innocent VII, Pope

Innocent VII, Pope
Innocent VII, Pope
Reigned 1406

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Pope Innocent VII — Innocent VII Papacy began October 17, 1404 Papacy ended November 6, 1406 Predecessor Boniface IX …   Wikipedia

  • Pope Innocent VII —     Pope Innocent VII     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Innocent VII     (Cosimo de Migliorati)     Born of humble parents at Sulmona, in the Abruzzi, about 1336; died 6 November, 1406. He studied at Perugia, Padua, and finally at Bologna, where …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Innocent VII —     Pope Innocent VII     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Innocent VII     (Cosimo de Migliorati)     Born of humble parents at Sulmona, in the Abruzzi, about 1336; died 6 November, 1406. He studied at Perugia, Padua, and finally at Bologna, where …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • INNOCENT VII —    Pope from 1404 to 1406; …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Innocent VII — (Cosimo de Migliorati) 1336 1406, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1404 06. * * * ▪ pope original name  Cosimo de Migliorati  born 1336, Sulmona, Kingdom of Sicily died Nov. 6, 1406, Rome       pope from 1404 to 1406.       Appointed archbishop of… …   Universalium

  • Innocent VII — (Cosimo de Migliorati) 1336 1406, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1404 06 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pope Innocent XIII — Innocent XIII Papacy began 8 May 1721 Papacy ended 7 March 1724 ( 100000000000000020000002 years, 10000000000000304000000304 days) …   Wikipedia

  • Pope Innocent II —     Pope Innocent II     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Innocent II     (Gregorio Papereschi)     Elected 14 Feb., 1130; died 24 Sept., 1143. He was a native of Rome and belonged to the ancient family of the Guidoni. His father s name is given as …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Innocent II —     Pope Innocent II     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Innocent II     (Gregorio Papereschi)     Elected 14 Feb., 1130; died 24 Sept., 1143. He was a native of Rome and belonged to the ancient family of the Guidoni. His father s name is given as …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Pope Alexander VII —     Pope Alexander VII     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Alexander VII     Fabio Chigi, born at Sienna, 13 February, 1599; elected 7 April, 1655; died at Rome, 22 May, 1667. The Chigi of Sienna were among the most illustrious and powerful of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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