- Ishmael
- Ishmael
• Son of Abraham and Hagar
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
ISHMAEL — (Heb. יִשְׁמָעֵאל; God hears, wordplays on the name occur in Gen. 16:11–12; 17:20; 21:13, 17), the first son of Abraham, born to him when he was 86 years old. Ishmael s mother was the Egyptian hagar , the maidservant of Sarah (Gen. 16). After… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ishmael — Autor Daniel Quinn Género Novela, Historia secreta Idioma Inglés T … Wikipedia Español
ISHMAEL — ISHMAEL, son of Nethaniah son of Elishama, one of the military commanders in the period after the destruction of the First Temple (II Kings 25:25; Jer. 41:1). Ishmael, a descendant of the Judahite royal family, assassinated gedaliah son of Ahikam … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ishmael — ist der Name folgender Personen: Ishmael Beah (* 1980), sierra leonischer Autor Omari Ishmael Grandberry (* 1984; bekannt als: Omarion), US amerikanischer R B Sänger und Schauspieler Ishmael Miller (* 1987), englischer Fußballspieler Ishmael Noko … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ishmael — m Biblical name borne by Abraham s first son, the offspring of his barren wife s maidservant Hagar. It is composed of Hebrew elements meaning ‘to hearken’ and ‘God’; an angel told Hagar ‘Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and… … First names dictionary
Ishmael — masc. proper name, biblical son of Abraham and Hagar, from Heb. Yishma el, lit. God hears, from yishma, imperf. of shama he heard. The Arabs claim descent from him. Figurative sense of an outcast, whose hand is against every man, and every man s… … Etymology dictionary
Ishmael — [ish′mā əl] n. [LL(Ec) Ismaël < Heb yishmāʼē l, lit., God hears] 1. the son of Abraham and Hagar: he and his mother were made outcasts: Gen. 21:9 21 2. an outcast … English World dictionary
Ishmael — For other uses, see Ishmael (disambiguation). Ishmael A depiction of Hagar and Ishmael in the desert by François Joseph Navez Prophet, Patriarch, Father of the Arabs, Constructor of the Kaaba, Apostle to Arabi … Wikipedia
Ishmael — The son of Abraham and Hagar, the Egyptian maidservant of his wife Sarah (then known as Sarai). When Sarai stopped having children, she arranged to have a child with Abraham by Ha gar (Genesis 16:1 4). After the birth of Isaac, Hagar and… … Historical Dictionary of Israel
Ishmael — God hears. 1) Abraham s eldest son, by Hagar the concubine (Gen. 16:15; 17:23). He was born at Mamre, when Abraham was eighty six years of age, eleven years after his arrival in Canaan (16:3; 21:5). At the age of thirteen he was circumcised … Easton's Bible Dictionary