
A cloister, gallery, or alley; a sheltered place, straight or circular, for exercise in walking; the aisle that makes the circuit of the apse of a church

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Ambulatory
    A cloister, gallery, or alley; a sheltered place, straight or circular, for exercise in walking; the aisle that makes the circuit of the apse of a church. The central eastern apse of a church was often encircled by a semicircular aisle, called the ambulatory. Of these ambulatories there are three species:
     the ambulatory with tangential chapels;
     the ambulatory without chapels;
     variants of the above. By far the most common type is that in which the chapels radiate tot he north-east, east, and south-east. An ambulatory without radiating chapels is so rare in Romanesque work that supposed examples should be regarded as doubtful. Sometimes there is a rectangular ambulatory, as in the Romsey eastern chapel. Ambulatories are constructed either on the inside or outside of a building, or in a public thoroughfare wholly or partially under cover, or entirely open to the sky, and are used only to walk in. The term is sometimes applied to a covered way round a building, such as the space between the columns and cella of a peripteral temple, or around an open space as the cloisters of a monastic church, as the Campo Santo at Pisa, or the atrium of an ancient basilica, e. g. that of St Ambrose at Milan. The term can be used as an equivalent of either cloister or atrium.
    Transcribed by Michael C. Tinkler

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • ambulatory — am·bu·la·to·ry / am byə lə ˌtōr ē/ adj [Latin ambulatorius, literally, movable, transferable, from ambulare to walk, move, be transferred]: capable of being altered a will is ambulatory until the testator s death Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of… …   Law dictionary

  • Ambulatory — Am bu*la*to*ry, a. [L. ambulatorius.] 1. Of or pertaining to walking; having the faculty of walking; formed or fitted for walking; as, an ambulatory animal. [1913 Webster] 2. Accustomed to move from place to place; not stationary; movable; as, an …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ambulatory — [am′byo͞o lə tôr΄ē, am′byələ tôr΄ē] adj. [L ambulatorius < ambulare: see AMBLE] 1. of or for walking 2. able to walk and not confined to bed [an ambulatory patient] 3. moving from one place to another; movable 4. Law that can be changed or… …   English World dictionary

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  • Ambulatory — Am bu*la*to*ry, n.; pl. {Ambulatories}. [Cf. LL. ambulatorium.] (Arch.) A place to walk in, whether in the open air, as the gallery of a cloister, or within a building. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ambulatory — [adj] changing position; able to move under own power ambulant, itinerant, nomadic, perambulant, perambulatory, peripatetic, roving, vagabond, vagrant; concept 584 Ant. steady, stiff, unchanging  …   New thesaurus

  • ambulatory — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to walking or able to walk. 2) movable; mobile. ► NOUN (pl. ambulatories) ▪ an aisle or cloister in a church or monastery …   English terms dictionary

  • ambulatory — ambulatorily, adv. /am byeuh leuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj., n., pl. ambulatories. adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or capable of walking: an ambulatory exploration of the countryside. 2. adapted for walking, as the limbs of many animals. 3. moving about …   Universalium

  • ambulatory — I. adjective Date: 1598 1. of, relating to, or adapted to walking; also occurring during a walk 2. moving from place to place ; itinerant 3. capable of being altered < a will is ambulatory until the testator s death > 4. a. able to walk about and …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Ambulatory — Able to ambulate, to walk about, not bed ridden or hospitalized. * * * am·bu·la·to·ry am byə lə .tōr ē, .tȯr adj 1) of, relating to, or adapted to walking <ambulatory exercise> 2 a) able to walk about and not bedridden <an ambulatory… …   Medical dictionary

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