- Kiang-si, Eastern
- Kiang-si, Eastern
• The mission of Eastern Kiang-si was separated from the mission of Northern Kiang-si in 1885
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Eastern Kiang-Si — Eastern Kiang si † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Eastern Kiang si (Vicariate Apostolic) The mission of Eastern Kiang si was separated from the mission of Northern Kiang si in 1885. It includes 8,000,000 inhabitants and is formed from… … Catholic encyclopedia
Kiang — Taxobox name = Kiang status = LC status system = iucn3.1 image width = 270px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Perissodactyla familia = Equidae genus = Equus subgenus = Asinus species = E. kiang binomial = Equus kiang… … Wikipedia
Eastern Kiang — Taxobox name = Eastern Kiang status = LR/lc regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Perissodactyla familia = Equidae genus = Equus subgenus = Asinus species = E. kiang subspecies = Equus k. holdereri trinomial = Equus kiang… … Wikipedia
kiang — /kiˈæŋ/ (say kee ang) noun a wild ass, Equus hemionus kiang, of certain mountainous regions of eastern Asia. {Tibetan kyang} …
Northern Kiang-Si — Northern Kiang si † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Northern Kiang si (Vicariate Apostolic) Father Matteo Ricci of the Society of Jesus was the first missionary who entered the province of Kiang si at the end of the sixteenth century. It… … Catholic encyclopedia
Northern Kiang — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia … Wikipedia
Sze-Ch'wan (Eastern) — Sze Ch wan (Eastern) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Sze Ch wan (Eastern) Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Sze Ch wan The mission of Eastern Sze ch wan was separated from North western Sze ch wan and erected in a Vicariate Apostolic in… … Catholic encyclopedia
Sin-Kiang — Xinjiang Pour les articles homonymes, voir Xinjiang (homonymie). Xinjiang Carte indiquant la localisation du Xinjiang (en rouge) à l intérieur d … Wikipédia en Français
Sin Kiang — Xinjiang Pour les articles homonymes, voir Xinjiang (homonymie). Xinjiang Carte indiquant la localisation du Xinjiang (en rouge) à l intérieur d … Wikipédia en Français
Parlamentswahlen in Britisch-Gambia 1962 — abgegebene Stimmen (in %) … Deutsch Wikipedia