- Law, Divine (Moral Aspect of)
- Law, Divine (Moral Aspect of)
• That which is enacted by God and made known to man through revelation
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Moral Aspect of Divine Law — Moral Aspect of Divine Law † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Moral Aspect of Divine Law Divine Law is that which is enacted by God and made known to man through revelation. We distinguish between the Old Law, contained in the Pentateuch, and… … Catholic encyclopedia
Moral and Canonical Aspect of Marriage — Moral and Canonical Aspect of Marriage † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Moral and Canonical Aspect of Marriage Marriage is that individual union through which man and woman by their reciprocal rights form one principle of generation. It is… … Catholic encyclopedia
Divine law — is any law (or rule) that in the opinion of believers, comes directly from the will of God (or a god). Like natural law (which may be seen as a manifestation of divine law) it is independent of the will of man, who cannot change it. However it… … Wikipedia
Moral Theology — • Limited to those doctrines which discuss the relations of man and his free actions to God and his supernatural end, and propose the means instituted by God for the attainment of that end Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Moral Theology … Catholic encyclopedia
Divine Judgment — means the judgment of God, notably in the Judeo Christian tradition.Divine Judgment subjectively and objectively consideredDivine judgment ( judicium divinum), as an immanent act of God, denotes the action of God s retributive justice by which… … Wikipedia
Divine Judgment — Divine Judgment † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Divine Judgment This subject will be treated under two heads: I. Divine Judgment Subjectively and Objectively Considered; II. Pre Christian Beliefs Concerning Judgment after Death.… … Catholic encyclopedia
Divine Attributes — • In order to form a more systematic idea of God, and as far as possible, to unfold the implications of the truth, God is All Perfect, this infinite Perfection is viewed, successively, under various aspects, each of which is treated as a separate … Catholic encyclopedia
LAW AND MORALITY — In the Bible In the Pentateuch, legal and moral norms are not distinguished by any definitional criteria. The manner of presentation of both is via revelation – moral norms are not presented as wisdom but rather as prophetic revelation. Thus the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
law, philosophy of — Introduction the formulation of concepts and theories to aid in understanding the nature of law, the sources of its authority, and its role in society. In English speaking countries the term “jurisprudence” is often used synonymously and is … Universalium
Moral influence theory of atonement — Part of a series on Atonement in Christianity Moral influence Recapitulation Substitutionary … Wikipedia