legists — index bar (body of lawyers) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
legists — n. one who specializes in law (especially ancient law) … English contemporary dictionary
Philip IV (The Fair) — Philip IV † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Philip IV Surnamed Le Bel (the Fair) King of France, b. at Fontainebleau, 1268; d. there, 29 Nov., 1314; son of Philip III and Isabel of Aragon; became king, 5 Oct. 1285, on the death of his… … Catholic encyclopedia
Monarchomachs — The Monarchomachs (French: Monarchomaques) were originally French Huguenot theorists who opposed absolute monarchy at the end of the 16th century, known in particular for having theoretically justified tyrannicide. The term was originally a… … Wikipedia
Legist — The term Legist, from the Latin lex law , literally denotes any expert or student of law.It was especially used since the Carolingian dynasty for royal councillors who advised the monarch in legal matters, and specifically helped base its… … Wikipedia
Domicile — • The canon law has no independent and original theory of domicile; both the canon law and all modern civil codes borrowed this theory from the Roman law; the canon law, however, extended and perfected the Roman theory by adding thereto that of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Inquisition — • By this term is usually meant a special ecclesiastical institutional for combating or suppressing heresy Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Inquisition Inquisition … Catholic encyclopedia
legist — ˈlējə̇st noun ( s) Etymology: Middle French legiste, from Medieval Latin legista, from Latin leg , lex law + ista ist 1. : a specialist in law or a branch of law; especially : one learned in Roman or civil law the legists elaborated their ideas… … Useful english dictionary
Accursius — Sa statue dans une des niches du piazzale des Offices Accursius (en italien Accursio ou Accorso da Bagnolo, parfois francisé en Accurse), né à Bagnolo all Impruneta (Toscane) entre 1181 et 1186, mort à Bologne entre 1259 et 1263 … Wikipédia en Français
Franciscus Accursius — Accursius Sa statue dans une des niches du piazzale des Offices Accursius (en italien Accursio ou Accorso da Bagnolo, parfois francisé en Accurse), né à Bagnolo all Impruneta (Toscane) entre 1181 et 1186, mort à Bologne entre 1259 et … Wikipédia en Français