- Mannyng, Robert
- Mannyng, Robert
• Poet, from Bourne in Lincolnshire, England
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Mannyng, Robert, of Brunne — (Bourne) (ca. 1283–ca. 1340) All we know about Robert Mannyng is the little he tells us in his two major poems Handlyng Synne (1303–17), the first confessional manual in English, and The Story of England, a verse chronicle extending through… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Mannyng, Robert — ▪ English poet in full Robert Mannyng of Brunne flourished c. 1330 early English poet and author of Handlyng Synne, a confessional manual, and of the chronicle Story of England. The works are preserved independently in several manuscripts … Universalium
Mannyng, Robert, or Robert de Brunne — (fl. 1288 1338) Was a Canon of the Gilbertine Order. His work, Handlynge Sinne (c. 1300), translated with original additions from the Manuel des Péchés, a book written in French verse by William of Waddington, is practically a collection of… … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
Mannyng, Robert (Robert De Brunne) — (?1288 ?1338) He came from Bourne in Lincolnshire and, in 1288, became a lay brother in the house of the Gilbertine canons at Sempringham, six miles from his birth place. He was at Cambridge University around 1300. One of his two main poems is … British and Irish poets
Robert Mannyng — Robert Manning (or Robert de Brunne) (c. 1275 – c. 1338) was an English chronicler and Gilbertine monk. Mannyng provides a surprising amount of information about himself in his two known works, Handlyng Synne and a Chronicle. In these two works,… … Wikipedia
Robert de Brunne — See Mannyng, Robert … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
Robert Mannyng of Brunne — Robert Mannyng of Brunne † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Robert Mannyng of Brunne Poet. He came from Bourne in Lincolnshire, England. From his own account he entered the house of the Gilbertine Canons at Sempringham in 1288 and at some… … Catholic encyclopedia
Mannyng's Chronicle — is a chronicle written in Middle English by Robert Mannyng in about 1338. Mannyng began writing his chronicle at the beginning of Edward III’s reign in 1327 and probably finished it in 1338, dated at the end of the second part. The chronicle… … Wikipedia
Mannyng — [ mænɪȖ], Manning, Robert, genannt R. of Brunne [brʊn], englischer Dichter, * Brunne (heute Bourne, County Lincolnshire) 1283 (?), ✝ 1338 (?); Mönch; übertrug ein anglonormannisches Moraltraktat, das Verserzählungen um die sieben Todsünden… … Universal-Lexikon
Robert Manning — may refer to:*Robert Manning (engineer) (1816 1897), Irish engineer *Robert Manning (journalist), American writer *Robert D. Manning, American economistee also*Robert Manning Technology College, a secondary school in Bourne, Lincolnshire *Robert… … Wikipedia