- Manutius, Aldus
- Manutius, Aldus
• Scholar and printer (1450-1515)
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
MANUTIUS Aldus — I. MANUTIUS Aldus ex erudita familia Typographorum Venetorum, omnes nervos ad Barbariem e Latio pellendam intendit. Circa A. C. 1520. Scripsit Institutiones Grammaticae Graecae. Notas in Horatium, Homerum etc. Gesner. in Biblioth. Frater… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Manutius, Aldus, the Elder — Italian Aldo Manuzio il Vecchio born 1449, Bassiano, Papal States died Feb. 6, 1515, Venice Italian printer, the leading figure of his time in printing, publishing, and typography. In 1490 he settled in Venice and gathered around him a group of… … Universalium
Manutius, Aldus, the Younger — ▪ Italian printer Italian Aldo Manuzio il Giovane born Feb. 13, 1547, Venice [Italy] died Oct. 28, 1597, Rome last member of the Italian family of Manuzio to be active in the famous Aldine Press established by his grandfather Aldus… … Universalium
Manutius, Aldus — (vernacular name, Aldo Manuzio, ca. 1452 1515) Italian humanist and teacher who became the greatest printer and publisher of the Italian Renaissance. Born at Rome, he taught at Ferrara and Carpi, and about 1490 moved to Venice. There he gave… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Manutius,Aldus — Ma·nu·tius (mə no͞oʹshəs, shē əs, nyo͞oʹ ), Aldus. 1450 1515. Italian scholar and printer who established (c. 1498) the Aldine Press in Venice to publish Greek and Latin classics. * * * … Universalium
Aldus Manutius — Aldus Manutius † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Aldus Manutius (Aldo Manuzio). Scholar and printer; born in 1450, at Sermoneta, near Rome; died in 1515. He studied Latin at Rome and Greek at Ferrara. In 1482 he went to Mirandola, where… … Catholic encyclopedia
Manutius — Manutius, Aldus, der Ältere, eigentlich Aldo Manuzio, italienischer Humanist und Drucker, * Bassiano (bei Velletri) 1449, ✝ Venedig 6. 2. 1515; kam nach humanistischen Studien in Rom und Ferrara 1490 nach Venedig und gründete eine Druckerei, in … Universal-Lexikon
Aldus Manutius — The Rylands copy of the Aldine Vergil of 1501 Aldus Pius Manutius (1449 – February 6, 1515),[1] the Latinised name of Aldo Manuzio sometimes called Aldus Manutius, the Elder to distinguish him from his grandson, Aldus Manutius, the Younger was an … Wikipedia
Manutius, Paulus — ▪ Italian printer Italian Paolo Manuzio born June 12, 1512, Venice [Italy] died April 6, 1574, Rome Renaissance printer, third son of the founder of the Aldine Press, Aldus Manutius the Elder (Manutius, Aldus, the Elder). In 1533… … Universalium
Aldus Manutius — /awl deuhs meuh nooh shee euhs, nyooh , al deuhs/. See Manutius, Aldus. * * * … Universalium