- Marignolli, Giovanni de'
- Marignolli, Giovanni de'
• Franciscan missionary to Asia (b. 1290)
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Marignolli, Giovanni dei — ▪ Italian clergyman born before 1290, Florence [Italy] Franciscan friar and one of four legates sent to the court of the Mongol emperor of China, Togon Temür, at Khanbaliq (Beijing). Marignolli s notes on the journey, though fragmentary,… … Universalium
Giovanni de' Marignolli — (Latin: John Marignolli; English: John of Marignola), a notable traveller to the Far East in the fourteenth century (fl. 1338–53), born probably before 1290, and sprung from a noble family in Florence. The family is long extinct, but a street… … Wikipedia
Giovanni De' Marignolli — Giovanni de Marignolli † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Giovanni de Marignolli Born at Florence about 1290; place and date of death unknown. When quite a youth he received the Franciscan habit at the convent of Santa Croce, Florence; later… … Catholic encyclopedia
Giovanni de Marignolli — Bischof Giovanni de Marignolli, Päpstlicher Legat Giovanni de Marignolli, auch John de Marignolli oder Johannes von Marignola (* um 1290 in Florenz, Italien; † nach 1357), war ein italienischer Franziskaner, Asien Missionar, Päpstlicher Legat und … Deutsch Wikipedia
Giovanni di Monte Corvino — Jean de Montecorvino Jean de Montecorvino Jean de Montecorvino (ou de Montecorvin), né en 1246 à Montecorvino dans le sud de l Italie et mort à Beijing (Pékin) en 1328 est un franciscain fondateur de la mission catholique de Chine. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Roman Catholic Diocese of Quilon — The Diocese of Quilon or Kollam is the first Catholic diocese in India in the state of Kerala. First erected on August 9, 1329 and re erected on September 1, 1886, it covers an area of 1,950 km². (753 square miles), and contains a population of 4 … Wikipedia
Latin Catholic Diocese of Quilon — Diocese of Quilon Dioecesis Quilonensis Location Country India Ecclesiastical province Archdiocese of Trivandrum … Wikipedia
Aryacakravarti dynasty — Aryacakravarti Country Sri Lanka … Wikipedia
Christianity — /kris chee an i tee/, n., pl. Christianities. 1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2. Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character: Christianity mixed with pagan elements; … Universalium
Historia económica de Francia — Este artículo se refiere a la historia económica de Francia y se inicia en el año 476, con la caída del Imperio romano . Para la situación económica durante el periodo anterior, véase Comercio en la antigua Roma y Galia. Contenido 1 La economía… … Wikipedia Español