Masses, Bequests for

Masses, Bequests for
Masses, Bequests for
Information on court cases about the subject

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Masses, Bequests for \(England\) — • Before the Reformation dispositions of property, whether real or personal, for the purposes of Masses, were valid, unless where, in the case of real property, they might happen to conflict with the Mortmain laws by being made to religious… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Masses, Bequests for \(Canada\) — • Information on the laws Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Bequests For Masses —     Bequests for Masses     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Bequests for Masses      The efficacy of prayers for the dead , remarks the Court of Appeals of the State of New York in Holland v. Alcock, 108 New York Court of Appeals Reports, page 312, is… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Bequests For Masses (England) —     Bequests for Masses (England)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Bequests for Masses (England)     Before the Reformation dispositions of property, whether real or personal, for the purposes of Masses, were valid, unless where, in the case of real …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Masses, Devises and Bequests for (United States) — • Laws from various states discussed Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Devises and Bequests For Masses (United States) —     Devises and Bequests for Masses (United States)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Devises and Bequests for Masses (United States)     Prior to the period of the Reformation in England in 1532, Masses for the repose of the souls of the donors of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Bequest For Masses (Canada) —     Bequests for Masses (Canada)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Bequests for Masses (Canada)     The law governing bequests, being concerned with property and civil rights , falls within the legislative competency of the provincial legislatures,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Charitable Bequests —     Civil Law Concerning Charitable Bequests     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Civil Law Concerning Charitable Bequests     The word charity, as employed by the courts and used as descriptive of uses and trusts which will he upheld as charitable, has …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Prayers for the Dead — • Catholic teaching regarding prayers for the dead is bound up inseparably with the doctrine of purgatory and the more general doctrine of the communion of the saints, which is an article of the Apostle s Creed Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Mass bequest — A bedquest for a Mass is when a person leaves a bequest in their will for a Mass to be said for the repose of their soul.[1] References ^   …   Wikipedia

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