- Mellifont Abbey
- Mellifont Abbey
• Located three miles from Drogheda, Co. Louth, Diocese of Armagh, it was the first Cistercian monastery established in Ireland
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Mellifont Abbey — Lavabo of Mellifont Abbey Mellifont Abbey (Irish: An Mhainistir Mhór, literally the big abbey ), located in County Louth, was the first Cistercian abbey to be built in Ireland … Wikipedia
Mellifont Abbey — Zisterzienserabtei Mellifont Lage Mellifont, County Louth, Irland Koordinaten: 53° 45′ N … Deutsch Wikipedia
Abbey of Mellifont — Abbey of Mellifont † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Mellifont Located three miles from Drogheda, Co. Louth, Diocese of Armagh, it was the first Cistercian monastery established in Ireland. In the year 1140, St. Malachy, en route for … Catholic encyclopedia
Mellifont — Abbey (2006) Mellifont ist eine kleine Ortschaft im County Louth im Osten der Republik Irland. Mellifont liegt im Südwesten der Grafschaft Louth, direkt an der Grenze zum County Meath, etwa 7 km (Luftlinie) nordwestlich von Drogheda.[1] Bekannt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Abbey of Rathmelsigi — The Abbey of Rathmelsigi or of Rath Melsigi, [ Rath is an obsolete Scots name for village, according to Hector McLean, The Scottish Highland Language and People The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 7 (1878:65… … Wikipedia
Boyle Abbey — Zisterzienserabtei Boyle Boyle Abbey Lage Irland … Deutsch Wikipedia
Monasteranenagh Abbey — Zisterzienserabtei Monasteranenagh Lage Irland Irland County Limerick Koordinaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Baltinglass Abbey — Zisterzienserabtei Baltinglass Ruine der Baltinglass Abbey Lage Irland … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kilbeggan Abbey — Zisterzienserabtei Kilbeggan Lage Irland Irland County Westmeath Koordinaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saddell Abbey — Zisterzienserabtei Saddell Lage: Vereinigtes Königreich Schottland Ordnungsnummer (nach Janauschek): ? Patrozinium: Gründungsjahr: 1207 Jahr der Auflösung/ Aufhebung … Deutsch Wikipedia