- Memling, Hans
- Memling, Hans
• Flemish painter, d. 1494. Artist's biography with bibliography
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Memling, Hans — or Hans Memlinc born с 1430/35, Seligenstadt, near Frankfurt am Main died Aug. 11, 1494, Bruges Flemish painter. He settled in Bruges in 1465 and established a large workshop that became very successful and made him one of the city s wealthiest… … Universalium
Memling, Hans — ► (1433 94) Pintor flamenco. Desarrolló toda su actividad artística en la ciudad de Brujas. Su prestigio fue tal que pronto figuró entre los 140 hombres más ricos de esta ciudad. Su arte es principalmente religioso. Destacan entre sus obras: La… … Enciclopedia Universal
Memling, Hans — (ca. 1430 1494) Flemish painter, born in Ger many and initially trained in the Rhineland, probably at Cologne. He moved to Flanders, where he seems to have studied under Rogier van der Weyden. Eventually he settled in Bruges, where he became… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Memling,Hans — Mem·ling (mĕmʹlĭng) also Mem·linc ( lĭngk), Hans. 1430? 1494. Flemish painter of portraits and, more notably, religious works, such as the triptych Adoration of the Magi (1479). * * * … Universalium
Memling — Memling, Hans … Enciclopedia Universal
Hans Memling — Hans Memling † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Hans Memling Flemish painter, b. about 1430 35; d. at Bruges 11 August, 1494. This date was discovered in 1889 by Père Henri Dusart in a MS. chronicle of the library of St. Omer, which adds that… … Catholic encyclopedia
Memling — (izg. mèmling), Hans (o.1433 1494) DEFINICIJA nizozemski slikar, ostvario niz idealiziranih likova bogorodice s anđelima i svecima, te donatorima (ciklus slika u bolnici Sv. Ivana u Bruggeu) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Memling — Memling, Hans, niederländ. Maler, geb. um 1440, lebte zu Brügge, gest. das. 1494; Hauptwerke: Schrein der heil. Ursula (Brügge, 1486), Sieben Freuden Mariä (München), Madonnen (Florenz, Paris, London); auch Bildnisse. – Vgl. Kaemmerer (1899),… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Hans Memling — Virgin with Child between St. James and St. Dominic (1488 1490). This painting features Oriental carpets … Wikipedia
Memling — Selbstbildnis auf dem Altar im besitz des Herzogs von Devonshire in Chatsworth 1468 Hans Memling (* zwischen 1433 und 1440 in Seligenstadt; † 11. August 1494 in Brügge; auch Jan van Mimmelynghe, Johannes Memmelinc oder Memlinc, falsch auch… … Deutsch Wikipedia