- Myndus
- Myndus
• A titular see of Caria, suffragan of Stauropolis
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Myndus — (ital.: Mindo) ist ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht zurück auf ein früheres Bistum der antiken Stadt Myndos in der kleinasiatischen Landschaft Karien im Südwesten der heutigen Türkei. Das Bistum gehörte der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
MYNDUS — urbs Cariae maritima, inter Bargyliam et Halicarnassum, Mentese Leunclavio. Plin. l. 5. c. 29. hôc tempore primaria regionis et sedes praefecti: Episcopalis sub Archiepiscopo Stauropolitano. Fuit in eadem Caria et alterum eiusdem nominis oppidum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Myndus — Myndos Rabbit Island in modern Gümüslük. Myndus or Myndos (Greek: Μύνδος) was an ancient Dorian colony of Troezen, on the coast of Caria in Asia Minor, (Turkey), sited on the Bodrum Peninsula, a few miles northwest of … Wikipedia
Myndus, Titular See of — Myndus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Myndus A titular see of Caria, suffragan of Stauropolis. This city, known through its coins and the quite frequent mention made of it by ancient historians and geographers, was inhabited by a Greek… … Catholic encyclopedia
Alexander of Myndus — Alexander (Gr. polytonic|Ἀλέξανδρος) of Myndus in Caria was an ancient Greek writer who some believe lived during the first century AD but this date is uncertain.cite encyclopedia | last = Schmitz | first = Leonhard | authorlink = | title =… … Wikipedia
Old Myndus, Virginia — Old Myndus is an unincorporated community in Nelson County, Virginia, United States. References GNIS reference … Wikipedia
Eusebius of Myndus — was a 4th century AD philosopher, a distinguished Neoplatonist. He is described by Eunapius as one of the Golden Chain of Neoplatonism. He was a pupil of Aedesius of Pergamum. He devoted himself principally to logic and ventured to criticize the… … Wikipedia
Eusebius of Myndus — ▪ Greek philosopher flourished 4th century AD Neoplatonist philosopher, a pupil of Aedesius of Pergamum. He was distinguished from the other members of the Pergamene school by his comparative sobriety and rationality and by his contempt for … Universalium
МИНД — • Myndus, Μύνδος, колония города Трэзена, на карийском берегу у Иасийского залива, на северо запад от Галикарнасса, с крепкими стенами и хоршей гаванью, н. Гюмюшлю Лиман. Strab. 14, 658. Arr. 1, 20, 5 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Caria — (Turkish Karya, Ancient Greek, Καρία) was a region of western Anatolia extending along the coast from mid Ionia (Mycale) south to Lycia and east to Phrygia. The Ionian and Dorian Greeks colonized the west of it and joined the Carian population in … Wikipedia