- Panvinio, Onofrio
- Panvinio, Onofrio
• Italian historian and archaeologist (1530-1568)
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Onofrio Panvinio — Onofrio Panvinio † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Onofrio Panvinio Historian and archaeologist, born at Verona, 23 February, 1530; died at Palermo, 7 April, 1568. At eleven he entered the Augustinian Hermits. After graduating in Rome as … Catholic encyclopedia
Onofrio Panvinio — The erudite Augustinian Onofrio Panvinio or Onuphrius Panvinius (Verona 23 February 1529 Palermo 7 April 1568) was an Italian historian and antiquary, who was librarian to Cardinal Alessandro Farnese. At eleven he entered the order of Augustinian … Wikipedia
Onofrio Panvinio — (Verona, 1530 Palermo, 1568) fue un historiador y teológo de la orden de los agustinos. Se ocupó de la revisión de la biblioteca del Vaticano y es autor de una historia de la República Romana (De republica Romana, 1558) y de numerosas obras sobre … Wikipedia Español
Panvinio — Panvinio, Panvini, Onofrio, italienischer Augustiner und Altertumsforscher, * Verona 24. 2. 1530, ✝ Palermo 7. 4. 1568; Geschichtsschreiber seines Ordens, wurde durch die Sammlung von römischen und frühchristlichen Inschriften sowie von… … Universal-Lexikon
Savelli family — The Savelli (de Sabellis in documents) were a rich and influential Roman family who rose to prominence in the twelfth century and were extinct in the male line in 1712. [Borengässer 1994.] The family, who held the lordship of Palombara Sabina,… … Wikipedia
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore — For other uses, see Santa Maria Maggiore (disambiguation). Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore (Italian) Basilica Sanctae Mariae Maioris (Latin) … Wikipedia
Аттон Миланский — Attone Кардинал епископ Палестрины 1081 около 1092 Церковь: Католическая церковь … Википедия
Fasti Capitolini — Fasti Capitolini, Muzei Capitoloni Als Fasti Capitolini wird eine in Rom gefundene Inschrift mit einer Liste römischer Konsuln und Feldherren bezeichnet. Diese Liste (lat. fasti) stellt, obwohl sie nur in Fragmenten erhalten ist, eine der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Papisa Juana — Representación medieval de la papisa Juana (como Juan VII). La leyenda de la papisa Juana cuenta la historia de una mujer que ejerció el papado católico ocultando su identidad sexual. El pontificado de la papisa se suele situar entre 855 y 857,… … Wikipedia Español
Joan — Popess Joan † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Popess Joan The fable about a female pope, who afterwards bore the name of Johanna (Joan), is first noticed in the middle of the thirteenth century. VARIATIONS OF THE FABLE First Version:… … Catholic encyclopedia