- Pastoral Epistles (Timothy and Titus)
- Pastoral Epistles (Timothy and Titus)
• Disciples of St. Paul
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Epistles to Timothy and Titus — Epistles to Timothy and Titus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Epistles to Timothy and Titus (THE PASTORALS) STS. TIMOTHY AND TITUS Saints Timothy and Titus were two of the most beloved and trusted disciples of St. Paul, whom they… … Catholic encyclopedia
Pastoral epistles — The three pastoral epistles are books of the canonical New Testament: the First Epistle to Timothy ( 1 Timothy ) the Second Epistle to Timothy ( 2 Timothy ), and the Epistle to Titus . They are presented as letters from Paul of Tarsus to Timothy… … Wikipedia
Pastoral Epistles — the New Testament books of I and II Timothy and Titus that stress pastoral and ecclesiastical concerns. * * * … Universalium
Pastoral Epistles — the New Testament books of I and II Timothy and Titus that stress pastoral and ecclesiastical concerns … Useful english dictionary
Pastoral Epistles — The three letters of the NT placed after 1 and 2 Thess. Since 1726, when Paul Anton called the two NT letters to Timothy and that to Titus ‘Pastoral Epistles’, the name has stuck. It is appropriate on account of the concern they exhibit for a… … Dictionary of the Bible
Epistles — The word epistle is from the Greek word epistolos which means a written letter addressed to a recipient or recipients, perhaps part of exchanged correspondence. Nowadays this term is usually used in connection with a specific group of books in… … Wikipedia
Epistles — The apostolic letters. The New Testament contains twenty one in all. They are divided into two classes. 1) Paul s Epistles, fourteen in number, including Hebrews. These are not arranged in the New Testament in the order of time as to their… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Pastoral Theology — • The science of the care of souls Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Pastoral Theology Pastoral Theology † … Catholic encyclopedia
Timothy, The Letter of Paul to — ▪ New Testament also called The Epistle of St. Paul, The Apostle to Timothy, or Pastoral Epistle, either of two New Testament writings addressed to Timothy, one of Paul s most faithful coworkers. They (and the Letter of Paul to Titus)… … Universalium
Timothy, epistles to — Together with the epistle to Titus, these letters are called ‘Pastoral’ [[➝ Pastoral Epistles]] because they deal primarily with the concerns of members of the Churches. Traditionally, it has been held that after Paul was released from prison in… … Dictionary of the Bible