
Latin see in Galicia, suffragan of Lemberg

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Przemysl
    Latin see in Galicia, suffragan of Lemberg. After conquering Halicz and Wladimir, Casimir the Great suggested to the pope the creation of seven Latin sees in places where, from the beginning of the fourteenth century, schismatics had at least nominal sees: Halicz, Przemysl, Chelm, Vladimir, Lutzk, Kieff, and Lemberg. Franciscans and Dominicans immediately began to establish missions. When the Bishop of Lebus appointed an incumbent for Przemysl, the pope refused to recognize his jurisdiction and designated (1353) as successor the Dominican prior of Sandomir, Nicolaus Ruthenus. The latter was consecrated at the papal Court and the pope declared this diocese directly subject to the Holy See. As the see was insufficiently endowed, the bishop did not reside in his cathedral town. After the death of Nicolaus the Bishop of Lebus again endeavoured to assert jurisdiction over Przemysl, but Gregory XI appointed Eric de Winsen (1377), who became the first actual bishop of Przemysl. Blessed Jacob Strepa rendered important services to the Diocese of Przemysl. In 1237 Boleslas the Chaste had introduced the Franciscans to Cracow; about one hundred years later they came to Lemberg, where, for three years, Strepa was protector of the order. During that time, Archbishop Bernard laid Lemberg under an interdict and excommunicated the town councillors. Strepa took up the cause of the city to protect it from the influence of the neighbouring schismatics. In addition, he had to defend the Franciscans and Dominicans against the accusation of the secular clergy, who maintained that their administration of the sacraments was invalid. In 1391 Strepa became Archbishop of Galicia. In that capacity he adjusted the ancient quarrel between the Dioceses of Halicz and Pzemysl. In 1844 Bishop Franz Zachariasiewicz published the "Lives" (mentioned below), which mention fifty-seven of his predecessors; six bishops have succeeded him (1911). To the "Lives" are prefixed important data concerning the early history of the Latin sees in Russia (pp. xxv-xxxix) and concerning the Latin dioceses of Galicia (pp. xl-lxxxviii). At present the Latin Diocese of Przemysl numbers 1,152,000 Catholics; 547 secular priests; 369 religious men in 27 convents, and 698 religious women in 97 (99) convents.
    Monumenta med. ævi hist. res gestas Poloniæ illustrantia (Cracow, 1872-); THEINER, Vet. mon. Poloniæ hist. Illustrantia (3 vols., Rome, 1860-4); ABRAHAM, Der sel. Jakob von Strepa (Lemberg, 1908); PAWLOWSKY, Premislia sacra, sive series et gesta episcoporum r. l. Premisliensium (Cracow, 1870); REIFENKUGEL, Die Grundung der röm. kath. Bistümer in den Territorien Halicz u. Wladimir in Arch. für öst. Gesch., XLII (Vienna, 1875); SCROBISSEVI, Vitâ epp. Haliciensium et Leopolinesium (Lemberg, 1628); ZACHARIASIEWICZ, Vitâ epp. Premislien (Vienna, 1844).
    Transcribed by Wojciech Gurak

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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